Module jidenn.config.eval_config

Configuration for evaluation of a model. The Data configuration is equivalent to the one used for training. Evaulation of a model can be done for several subsamples of the test data. They are specified by different cuts on the test data, such as the jets_pt or jets_eta. These binning based on cuts are specified in the Binning configuration.

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Configuration for evaluation of a model.
The `jidenn.config.config.Data` configuration is equivalent to the one used for training.
Evaulation of a model can be done for several subsamples of the test data.
They are specified by different cuts on the test data, such as the `jets_pt` or `jets_eta`.
These binning based on cuts are specified in the `jidenn.config.eval_config.Binning` configuration.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Literal, Tuple, Union

from .config import Data

class Binning:
    """Configuration for binning a continuous variable.

        variable (str): Name of the variable to bin.
        bins (int): Number of bins to use.
        max_bin (Union[float, int]): Maximum value of the variable. Values above this will be put in the last bin.
        min_bin (Union[float, int]): Minimum value of the variable. Values below this will be put in the first bin.
        log_bin_base (Optional[int]): If not `None`, use logarithmic binning with the specified base.
    variable: str
    bins: int
    max_bin: Union[float, int]
    min_bin: Union[float, int]
    log_bin_base: Optional[int]

class EvalConfig:
    """Configuration for evaluating a machine learning model.

        data (jidenn.config.config.Data): Configuration for the data.
        logdir (str): Path to the log directory of the evaluation. 
        models_path (str): Path to the directory where the models to evaluate are saved. 
            Inside this directory, there should be a subdirectory for each model with 
            the same name as in the `model_names` list. Each of these subdirectories must
            include a subdirectory `model` containing the saved model.
        model_names (List[str]): List of names of the models to evaluate.
        model_input_types (List[str]): List of types of input data expected by the models.
        seed (int): Seed for reproducibility.
        draw_distribution (int, optional): If not `None`, draw the distribution of the train input
            variables for the first `draw_distribution` events.
        test_subfolder (str): Subfolder of the data folder to use for evaluation. 
            One of 'test', 'train', 'dev'.
        batch_size (int): Batch size for evaluation.
        take (int): Number of data samples to use for evaluation. 
        binning (jidenn.config.eval_config.Binning): Configuration for binning of test data.
        working_point_path (Optional[str]): Path to a folder where for each model there is a subfolder with the name of the model.
            contains a csv file with the name `threshold_file_name` containing a column with the name `threshold_var_name`.
            Folder structure: `threshold_path`/`model_name`/`threshold_file_name`.
        working_point_file_name (Optional[str]): Name of the threshold file.
        metrics_to_plot (List[str]): List of metrics to plot. See `jidenn.evaluation.evaluation_metrics.get_metrics` for options.
        ylims (List[List[float]]): List of y-axis limits for each metric plot.
        reference_model (str): Name of the model to use as reference for ratio plots.
        threads (Optional[int]): Number of threads to use for evaluation. If `None`, single-threaded evaluation is used.
        validation_plots_in_bins (bool): If `True`, create validation plots for each bin in the binning.
    data: Data
    logdir: str
    models_path: str
    model_names: List[str]
    model_input_types: List[str]
    save_path: str
    seed: int
    draw_distribution: Optional[int]
    test_subfolder: str
    batch_size: int
    take: int
    binning: Binning
    working_point_path: Optional[str]
    working_point_file_name: Optional[str]
    metrics_to_plot: List[str]
    reference_model: str
    ylims: List[List[float]]
    threads: Optional[int]
    validation_plots_in_bins: bool


class Binning (variable: str, bins: int, max_bin: Union[float, int], min_bin: Union[float, int], log_bin_base: Optional[int])

Configuration for binning a continuous variable.


variable : str
Name of the variable to bin.
bins : int
Number of bins to use.
max_bin : Union[float, int]
Maximum value of the variable. Values above this will be put in the last bin.
min_bin : Union[float, int]
Minimum value of the variable. Values below this will be put in the first bin.
log_bin_base : Optional[int]
If not None, use logarithmic binning with the specified base.
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class Binning:
    """Configuration for binning a continuous variable.

        variable (str): Name of the variable to bin.
        bins (int): Number of bins to use.
        max_bin (Union[float, int]): Maximum value of the variable. Values above this will be put in the last bin.
        min_bin (Union[float, int]): Minimum value of the variable. Values below this will be put in the first bin.
        log_bin_base (Optional[int]): If not `None`, use logarithmic binning with the specified base.
    variable: str
    bins: int
    max_bin: Union[float, int]
    min_bin: Union[float, int]
    log_bin_base: Optional[int]

Class variables

var bins : int
var log_bin_base : Optional[int]
var max_bin : Union[float, int]
var min_bin : Union[float, int]
var variable : str
class EvalConfig (data: Data, logdir: str, models_path: str, model_names: List[str], model_input_types: List[str], save_path: str, seed: int, draw_distribution: Optional[int], test_subfolder: str, batch_size: int, take: int, binning: Binning, working_point_path: Optional[str], working_point_file_name: Optional[str], metrics_to_plot: List[str], reference_model: str, ylims: List[List[float]], threads: Optional[int], validation_plots_in_bins: bool)

Configuration for evaluating a machine learning model.


data : Data
Configuration for the data.
logdir : str
Path to the log directory of the evaluation.
models_path : str
Path to the directory where the models to evaluate are saved. Inside this directory, there should be a subdirectory for each model with the same name as in the model_names list. Each of these subdirectories must include a subdirectory model containing the saved model.
model_names : List[str]
List of names of the models to evaluate.
model_input_types : List[str]
List of types of input data expected by the models.
seed : int
Seed for reproducibility.
draw_distribution : int, optional
If not None, draw the distribution of the train input variables for the first draw_distribution events.
test_subfolder : str
Subfolder of the data folder to use for evaluation. One of 'test', 'train', 'dev'.
batch_size : int
Batch size for evaluation.
take : int
Number of data samples to use for evaluation.
binning : Binning
Configuration for binning of test data.
working_point_path : Optional[str]
Path to a folder where for each model there is a subfolder with the name of the model. contains a csv file with the name threshold_file_name containing a column with the name threshold_var_name. Folder structure: threshold_path/model_name/threshold_file_name.
working_point_file_name : Optional[str]
Name of the threshold file.
metrics_to_plot : List[str]
List of metrics to plot. See get_metrics() for options.
ylims : List[List[float]]
List of y-axis limits for each metric plot.
reference_model : str
Name of the model to use as reference for ratio plots.
threads : Optional[int]
Number of threads to use for evaluation. If None, single-threaded evaluation is used.
validation_plots_in_bins : bool
If True, create validation plots for each bin in the binning.
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class EvalConfig:
    """Configuration for evaluating a machine learning model.

        data (jidenn.config.config.Data): Configuration for the data.
        logdir (str): Path to the log directory of the evaluation. 
        models_path (str): Path to the directory where the models to evaluate are saved. 
            Inside this directory, there should be a subdirectory for each model with 
            the same name as in the `model_names` list. Each of these subdirectories must
            include a subdirectory `model` containing the saved model.
        model_names (List[str]): List of names of the models to evaluate.
        model_input_types (List[str]): List of types of input data expected by the models.
        seed (int): Seed for reproducibility.
        draw_distribution (int, optional): If not `None`, draw the distribution of the train input
            variables for the first `draw_distribution` events.
        test_subfolder (str): Subfolder of the data folder to use for evaluation. 
            One of 'test', 'train', 'dev'.
        batch_size (int): Batch size for evaluation.
        take (int): Number of data samples to use for evaluation. 
        binning (jidenn.config.eval_config.Binning): Configuration for binning of test data.
        working_point_path (Optional[str]): Path to a folder where for each model there is a subfolder with the name of the model.
            contains a csv file with the name `threshold_file_name` containing a column with the name `threshold_var_name`.
            Folder structure: `threshold_path`/`model_name`/`threshold_file_name`.
        working_point_file_name (Optional[str]): Name of the threshold file.
        metrics_to_plot (List[str]): List of metrics to plot. See `jidenn.evaluation.evaluation_metrics.get_metrics` for options.
        ylims (List[List[float]]): List of y-axis limits for each metric plot.
        reference_model (str): Name of the model to use as reference for ratio plots.
        threads (Optional[int]): Number of threads to use for evaluation. If `None`, single-threaded evaluation is used.
        validation_plots_in_bins (bool): If `True`, create validation plots for each bin in the binning.
    data: Data
    logdir: str
    models_path: str
    model_names: List[str]
    model_input_types: List[str]
    save_path: str
    seed: int
    draw_distribution: Optional[int]
    test_subfolder: str
    batch_size: int
    take: int
    binning: Binning
    working_point_path: Optional[str]
    working_point_file_name: Optional[str]
    metrics_to_plot: List[str]
    reference_model: str
    ylims: List[List[float]]
    threads: Optional[int]
    validation_plots_in_bins: bool

Class variables

var batch_size : int
var binningBinning
var dataData
var draw_distribution : Optional[int]
var logdir : str
var metrics_to_plot : List[str]
var model_input_types : List[str]
var model_names : List[str]
var models_path : str
var reference_model : str
var save_path : str
var seed : int
var take : int
var test_subfolder : str
var threads : Optional[int]
var validation_plots_in_bins : bool
var working_point_file_name : Optional[str]
var working_point_path : Optional[str]
var ylims : List[List[float]]