Module jidenn.config.config

General configurations for JIDENN. It includes training and data preparation configurations. The model configurations are defined separately in jidenn.config.model_config, but are in the same .yaml file as the general configurations.

The data is exspected to have the following structure:

  • the main folder contains the folders train, dev and test which contain the saved
  • optionally, the main folder can contain subfolders which then each contain the folders train, dev and test.
# or

The saving of the is done as:'main_folder/train')
# or'main_folder/subfolder1/train')

The saved datasets are expected to be flattened to the jet level.

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General configurations for JIDENN. It includes training and data preparation configurations.
The model configurations are defined separately in `jidenn.config.model_config`, but are
in the same `.yaml` file as the general configurations.

The data is exspected to have the following structure:

- the main folder contains the folders `train`, `dev` and `test` which contain the saved ``s.
- optionally, the main folder can contain subfolders which then each contain the folders `train`, `dev` and `test`.
# or
The saving of the ``s is done as:
# or'main_folder/subfolder1/train')

The saved datasets are expected to be flattened to the jet level.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Literal

from jidenn.config.model_config import FC, Highway, BDT, Transformer, DeParT, ParT, PFN

class Data:
    """ Data configuration for loading the data, constructing a `` and
    labeling the data.

        path (str): Path to data folder containing folders of saved ``s. The path **must** contain
            the folders `train`, `dev` and `test` which contain the saved ``s.

        target (str): Name of the target variable inside the saved ``s.

        target_labels (List[List[int]]): Original labels which are going to be changed by clustering into lists. 
            The following example will cluster all jets with `target in [21]` into one label,
            and all jets with `target in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]` into the second label:

                    - [21]
                    - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        labels (List[str]): List of names of the labels defined by the order in `target_labels`.

                    - gluon
                    - quark

        variable_unknown_labels (List[int]): List of unknown labels corresponding to undefined `target` (e.q. `[-1, -999]`). 
            These will be omiited from the dataset.

        resample (List[float], optional): Resampling weights for each label. The list is the same length as `target_labels` 
            giving each label a weight (`[0.5, 0.5]` means equal size of both labels). If `None`, no resampling is applied.

        variables (List[str]): Names of the variables loaded from the saved ``s.

        weight (Optional[str]): Name of the weight variable inside the saved ``s. If `None`, 
            no weights are used otherwise the weights are passed as a third input to the model.

        cut (Optional[str]): Cut to apply to the dataset. If `None`, no cut is applied. String are parsed using the `` class.
            See the `` documentation for more information of the cut syntax.

        subfolders (Optional[List[str]]): Folders inside the `path` to use. If `None`, the `path` is used directly. Each subfolder
            must contain the folders `train`, `dev` and `test` which contain the saved ``s.
            These subfolders are used to combine multiple JZ slices into one dataset.

        subfolder_cut (Optional[List[str]]): Cuts to apply to the individual subfolders separately. If `None`, no cut is applied. 
            Must be the same length as `subfolders`. String are parsed using the `` class.
            See the `` documentation for more information of the cut syntax.

        subfolder_weights (Optional[List[float]]): Weights to apply to the individual subfolders separately when combining. 
            `None` is viable only if `subfolders` is `None`. 

        cached (Optional[str]): **Untested.** Path to cached data. If `None`, no cached data is used. If `cached` is not `None`, the `path` is ignored.
    path: str   # Path to data folder containing folder of *.root files.
    target: str
    target_labels: List[List[int]]   # Original labels.
    labels: List[str]    # list of labels to use.
    variable_unknown_labels: List[int]
    resample_labels: Optional[List[float]]
    variables: List[str]
    weight: Optional[str]
    cut: Optional[str]
    subfolders: Optional[List[str]]   # Slices of JZ to use.
    subfolder_cut: Optional[List[str]]   # Cut to apply to JZ slices.
    subfolder_weights: Optional[List[float]]  # Weights to apply to JZ slices.
    cached: Optional[str]   # Path to cached data.

class Dataset:
    """ Dataset configuration for preparing the `` for training.
        epochs (int): Number of epochs.
        batch_size (int): Batch size.
        take (Optional[int]): Length of data to use. i.e. number of jets. 
            If `None`, the whole `train` dataset is used.
        dev_size (float): Size of dev dataset as a fraction of the `take` length.
            If `take` is `None`, the size is omitted and whole `dev` dataset is used.
        test_size (float): Size of test dataset as a fraction of the `take` length.
            If `take` is `None`, the size is omitted and whole `test` dataset is used.
        shuffle_buffer (Optional[int]): Size of shuffler buffer, if `None`, no shuffling is used.
            `shullfe_buffer` samples are shuffled before each epoch.
    epochs: int  # Number of epochs.
    batch_size: int   # Batch size.
    take: Optional[int]   # Length of data to use.
    dev_size: float   # Size of dev dataset.
    test_size: float  # Size of test dataset.
    shuffle_buffer: Optional[int]   # Size of shuffler buffer.

class General:
    """Basic configuration for the training.

        model (str): Model to use, options: `fc`, `highway`, `pfn`, `efn`, `transformer`, `part`, `depart`, `bdt`.
        seed (int): Random seed. Used for reproducibility.
        threads (int, optional): Maximum number of threads to use. `None` or 0 uses all threads.
        debug (bool): Debug mode. If `True`, tensorflow uses the `Eager` mode.
        base_logdir (str): Path to log directory where subfolders are created for each training session.
        logdir (str): Path to log directory of a given training session. Could be set manually,
            but using `${general.base_logdir}/${now:%Y-%m-%d}__${now:%H-%M-%S}` is recommended, 
            as it creates a unique folder for each training session inside the `base_logdir`.
        checkpoint (str, optional): Path to a checkpoint inside `logdir` checkpoint. If `None`, no checkpoint is made.
        backup (str, optional): Path to a backup of the model inside `logdir` checkpoint. If `None`, no backup is made.
        backup_freq (int, optional): The frequency (in batches) at which to save backups of the training session.
            If None, backups will only be saved at the end of each epoch.
        load_checkpoint_path (str, optional): Path to a checkpoint to load. If `None`, no checkpoint is loaded.
    model: Literal['fc', 'highway', 'pfn',
                   'efn', 'transformer', 'part', 'depart', 'bdt']   # Model to use.
    base_logdir: str   # Path to log directory.
    seed: int   # Random seed.
    threads: Optional[int]   # Maximum number of threads to use.
    debug: bool   # Debug mode.
    logdir: str   # Path to log directory.
    checkpoint: Optional[str]   # Make checkpoint.
    backup: Optional[str]   # Backup model.
    backup_freq: Optional[int]   # Backup frequency.
    load_checkpoint_path: Optional[str]   # Path to checkpoint to load.

class Preprocess:
    """Preprocessing configuration for the ``.

        draw_distribution (int, optional): Number of samples to draw distribution for.
            This is useful for interpreting the model based on physical quantities.
            If `None`, no distribution is drawn.    
        normalization_size (int, optional): Number of batches to calculate the mean and standard deviation 
            for each variable used for normalization. If `None`, no normalization is done.

    draw_distribution: Optional[int]   # Number of events to draw distribution for.
    normalization_size: Optional[int]  # Size of normalization dataset.

class Optimizer:
    """Settings for the optimizer.

        name (str): Name of the optimizer to use, options: `LAMB`, `Adam`.
        learning_rate (float): Learning rate.
        label_smoothing (float, optional): Label smoothing.
        decay_steps (int, optional): Number of steps to decay the learning rate with cosine decay. 
            If `None`, decay is calculated automatically as `decay_steps = epochs * take / batch_size - warmup_steps`.
        min_learning_rate (float, optional): Minimum learning rate as a fraction of `learning_rate`. 
            If `None`, no minimum learning rate is used, i.e. `min_learning_rate = 0.0`.
        warmup_steps (int, optional): Number of steps to warmup the learning rate with linear warmup.
        beta_1 (float, optional): Beta 1 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.9.
        beta_2 (float, optional): Beta 2 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.999.
        epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon for Adam and LAMB, default is 1e-6.
        clipnorm (float, optional): Clipnorm for Adam and LAMB. If `None`, no clipping is done. Default is `None`.
        weight_decay (float, optional): Weight decay for LAMB and Adam, default is 0.0.
    name: Literal['LAMB', 'Adam', 'Lion']
    learning_rate: float
    label_smoothing: Optional[float]
    decay_steps: Optional[int]
    min_learning_rate: Optional[float]
    warmup_steps: Optional[int]
    beta_1: Optional[float]
    beta_2: Optional[float]
    epsilon: Optional[float]
    clipnorm: Optional[float]
    weight_decay: Optional[float]

class Models:
    """Configuration for the models. See the documentation for each model for more information."""
    fc: FC
    transformer: Transformer
    bdt: BDT
    highway: Highway
    part: ParT
    depart: DeParT
    pfn: PFN

class JIDENNConfig:
    """A dataclass containing all of the configuration information for a JIDENN training session."""
    general: General
    data: Data
    dataset: Dataset
    preprocess: Preprocess
    optimizer: Optimizer
    models: Models


class Data (path: str, target: str, target_labels: List[List[int]], labels: List[str], variable_unknown_labels: List[int], resample_labels: Optional[List[float]], variables: List[str], weight: Optional[str], cut: Optional[str], subfolders: Optional[List[str]], subfolder_cut: Optional[List[str]], subfolder_weights: Optional[List[float]], cached: Optional[str])

Data configuration for loading the data, constructing a and labeling the data.


path : str
Path to data folder containing folders of saved The path must contain the folders train, dev and test which contain the saved
target : str
Name of the target variable inside the saved
target_labels : List[List[int]]
Original labels which are going to be changed by clustering into lists. The following example will cluster all jets with target in [21] into one label, and all jets with target in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] into the second label:
    - [21]
    - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
labels : List[str]
List of names of the labels defined by the order in target_labels.
    - gluon
    - quark
variable_unknown_labels : List[int]
List of unknown labels corresponding to undefined target (e.q. [-1, -999]). These will be omiited from the dataset.
resample : List[float], optional
Resampling weights for each label. The list is the same length as target_labels giving each label a weight ([0.5, 0.5] means equal size of both labels). If None, no resampling is applied.
variables : List[str]
Names of the variables loaded from the saved
weight : Optional[str]
Name of the weight variable inside the saved If None, no weights are used otherwise the weights are passed as a third input to the model.
cut : Optional[str]
Cut to apply to the dataset. If None, no cut is applied. String are parsed using the class. See the documentation for more information of the cut syntax.
subfolders : Optional[List[str]]
Folders inside the path to use. If None, the path is used directly. Each subfolder must contain the folders train, dev and test which contain the saved These subfolders are used to combine multiple JZ slices into one dataset.
subfolder_cut : Optional[List[str]]
Cuts to apply to the individual subfolders separately. If None, no cut is applied. Must be the same length as subfolders. String are parsed using the class. See the documentation for more information of the cut syntax.
subfolder_weights : Optional[List[float]]
Weights to apply to the individual subfolders separately when combining. None is viable only if subfolders is None.
cached : Optional[str]
Untested. Path to cached data. If None, no cached data is used. If cached is not None, the path is ignored.
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class Data:
    """ Data configuration for loading the data, constructing a `` and
    labeling the data.

        path (str): Path to data folder containing folders of saved ``s. The path **must** contain
            the folders `train`, `dev` and `test` which contain the saved ``s.

        target (str): Name of the target variable inside the saved ``s.

        target_labels (List[List[int]]): Original labels which are going to be changed by clustering into lists. 
            The following example will cluster all jets with `target in [21]` into one label,
            and all jets with `target in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]` into the second label:

                    - [21]
                    - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        labels (List[str]): List of names of the labels defined by the order in `target_labels`.

                    - gluon
                    - quark

        variable_unknown_labels (List[int]): List of unknown labels corresponding to undefined `target` (e.q. `[-1, -999]`). 
            These will be omiited from the dataset.

        resample (List[float], optional): Resampling weights for each label. The list is the same length as `target_labels` 
            giving each label a weight (`[0.5, 0.5]` means equal size of both labels). If `None`, no resampling is applied.

        variables (List[str]): Names of the variables loaded from the saved ``s.

        weight (Optional[str]): Name of the weight variable inside the saved ``s. If `None`, 
            no weights are used otherwise the weights are passed as a third input to the model.

        cut (Optional[str]): Cut to apply to the dataset. If `None`, no cut is applied. String are parsed using the `` class.
            See the `` documentation for more information of the cut syntax.

        subfolders (Optional[List[str]]): Folders inside the `path` to use. If `None`, the `path` is used directly. Each subfolder
            must contain the folders `train`, `dev` and `test` which contain the saved ``s.
            These subfolders are used to combine multiple JZ slices into one dataset.

        subfolder_cut (Optional[List[str]]): Cuts to apply to the individual subfolders separately. If `None`, no cut is applied. 
            Must be the same length as `subfolders`. String are parsed using the `` class.
            See the `` documentation for more information of the cut syntax.

        subfolder_weights (Optional[List[float]]): Weights to apply to the individual subfolders separately when combining. 
            `None` is viable only if `subfolders` is `None`. 

        cached (Optional[str]): **Untested.** Path to cached data. If `None`, no cached data is used. If `cached` is not `None`, the `path` is ignored.
    path: str   # Path to data folder containing folder of *.root files.
    target: str
    target_labels: List[List[int]]   # Original labels.
    labels: List[str]    # list of labels to use.
    variable_unknown_labels: List[int]
    resample_labels: Optional[List[float]]
    variables: List[str]
    weight: Optional[str]
    cut: Optional[str]
    subfolders: Optional[List[str]]   # Slices of JZ to use.
    subfolder_cut: Optional[List[str]]   # Cut to apply to JZ slices.
    subfolder_weights: Optional[List[float]]  # Weights to apply to JZ slices.
    cached: Optional[str]   # Path to cached data.

Class variables

var cached : Optional[str]
var cut : Optional[str]
var labels : List[str]
var path : str
var resample_labels : Optional[List[float]]
var subfolder_cut : Optional[List[str]]
var subfolder_weights : Optional[List[float]]
var subfolders : Optional[List[str]]
var target : str
var target_labels : List[List[int]]
var variable_unknown_labels : List[int]
var variables : List[str]
var weight : Optional[str]
class Dataset (epochs: int, batch_size: int, take: Optional[int], dev_size: float, test_size: float, shuffle_buffer: Optional[int])

Dataset configuration for preparing the for training.


epochs : int
Number of epochs.
batch_size : int
Batch size.
take : Optional[int]
Length of data to use. i.e. number of jets. If None, the whole train dataset is used.
dev_size : float
Size of dev dataset as a fraction of the take length. If take is None, the size is omitted and whole dev dataset is used.
test_size : float
Size of test dataset as a fraction of the take length. If take is None, the size is omitted and whole test dataset is used.
shuffle_buffer : Optional[int]
Size of shuffler buffer, if None, no shuffling is used. shullfe_buffer samples are shuffled before each epoch.
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class Dataset:
    """ Dataset configuration for preparing the `` for training.
        epochs (int): Number of epochs.
        batch_size (int): Batch size.
        take (Optional[int]): Length of data to use. i.e. number of jets. 
            If `None`, the whole `train` dataset is used.
        dev_size (float): Size of dev dataset as a fraction of the `take` length.
            If `take` is `None`, the size is omitted and whole `dev` dataset is used.
        test_size (float): Size of test dataset as a fraction of the `take` length.
            If `take` is `None`, the size is omitted and whole `test` dataset is used.
        shuffle_buffer (Optional[int]): Size of shuffler buffer, if `None`, no shuffling is used.
            `shullfe_buffer` samples are shuffled before each epoch.
    epochs: int  # Number of epochs.
    batch_size: int   # Batch size.
    take: Optional[int]   # Length of data to use.
    dev_size: float   # Size of dev dataset.
    test_size: float  # Size of test dataset.
    shuffle_buffer: Optional[int]   # Size of shuffler buffer.

Class variables

var batch_size : int
var dev_size : float
var epochs : int
var shuffle_buffer : Optional[int]
var take : Optional[int]
var test_size : float
class General (model: Literal['fc', 'highway', 'pfn', 'efn', 'transformer', 'part', 'depart', 'bdt'], base_logdir: str, seed: int, threads: Optional[int], debug: bool, logdir: str, checkpoint: Optional[str], backup: Optional[str], backup_freq: Optional[int], load_checkpoint_path: Optional[str])

Basic configuration for the training.


model : str
Model to use, options: fc, highway, pfn, efn, transformer, part, depart, bdt.
seed : int
Random seed. Used for reproducibility.
threads : int, optional
Maximum number of threads to use. None or 0 uses all threads.
debug : bool
Debug mode. If True, tensorflow uses the Eager mode.
base_logdir : str
Path to log directory where subfolders are created for each training session.
logdir : str
Path to log directory of a given training session. Could be set manually, but using ${general.base_logdir}/${now:%Y-%m-%d}__${now:%H-%M-%S} is recommended, as it creates a unique folder for each training session inside the base_logdir.
checkpoint : str, optional
Path to a checkpoint inside logdir checkpoint. If None, no checkpoint is made.
backup : str, optional
Path to a backup of the model inside logdir checkpoint. If None, no backup is made.
backup_freq : int, optional
The frequency (in batches) at which to save backups of the training session. If None, backups will only be saved at the end of each epoch.
load_checkpoint_path : str, optional
Path to a checkpoint to load. If None, no checkpoint is loaded.
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class General:
    """Basic configuration for the training.

        model (str): Model to use, options: `fc`, `highway`, `pfn`, `efn`, `transformer`, `part`, `depart`, `bdt`.
        seed (int): Random seed. Used for reproducibility.
        threads (int, optional): Maximum number of threads to use. `None` or 0 uses all threads.
        debug (bool): Debug mode. If `True`, tensorflow uses the `Eager` mode.
        base_logdir (str): Path to log directory where subfolders are created for each training session.
        logdir (str): Path to log directory of a given training session. Could be set manually,
            but using `${general.base_logdir}/${now:%Y-%m-%d}__${now:%H-%M-%S}` is recommended, 
            as it creates a unique folder for each training session inside the `base_logdir`.
        checkpoint (str, optional): Path to a checkpoint inside `logdir` checkpoint. If `None`, no checkpoint is made.
        backup (str, optional): Path to a backup of the model inside `logdir` checkpoint. If `None`, no backup is made.
        backup_freq (int, optional): The frequency (in batches) at which to save backups of the training session.
            If None, backups will only be saved at the end of each epoch.
        load_checkpoint_path (str, optional): Path to a checkpoint to load. If `None`, no checkpoint is loaded.
    model: Literal['fc', 'highway', 'pfn',
                   'efn', 'transformer', 'part', 'depart', 'bdt']   # Model to use.
    base_logdir: str   # Path to log directory.
    seed: int   # Random seed.
    threads: Optional[int]   # Maximum number of threads to use.
    debug: bool   # Debug mode.
    logdir: str   # Path to log directory.
    checkpoint: Optional[str]   # Make checkpoint.
    backup: Optional[str]   # Backup model.
    backup_freq: Optional[int]   # Backup frequency.
    load_checkpoint_path: Optional[str]   # Path to checkpoint to load.

Class variables

var backup : Optional[str]
var backup_freq : Optional[int]
var base_logdir : str
var checkpoint : Optional[str]
var debug : bool
var load_checkpoint_path : Optional[str]
var logdir : str
var model : Literal['fc', 'highway', 'pfn', 'efn', 'transformer', 'part', 'depart', 'bdt']
var seed : int
var threads : Optional[int]
class JIDENNConfig (general: General, data: Data, dataset: Dataset, preprocess: Preprocess, optimizer: Optimizer, models: Models)

A dataclass containing all of the configuration information for a JIDENN training session.

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class JIDENNConfig:
    """A dataclass containing all of the configuration information for a JIDENN training session."""
    general: General
    data: Data
    dataset: Dataset
    preprocess: Preprocess
    optimizer: Optimizer
    models: Models

Class variables

var dataData
var datasetDataset
var generalGeneral
var modelsModels
var optimizerOptimizer
var preprocessPreprocess
class Models (fc: FC, transformer: Transformer, bdt: BDT, highway: Highway, part: ParT, depart: DeParT, pfn: PFN)

Configuration for the models. See the documentation for each model for more information.

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class Models:
    """Configuration for the models. See the documentation for each model for more information."""
    fc: FC
    transformer: Transformer
    bdt: BDT
    highway: Highway
    part: ParT
    depart: DeParT
    pfn: PFN

Class variables

var bdtBDT
var departDeParT
var fcFC
var highwayHighway
var partParT
var pfnPFN
var transformerTransformer
class Optimizer (name: Literal['LAMB', 'Adam', 'Lion'], learning_rate: float, label_smoothing: Optional[float], decay_steps: Optional[int], min_learning_rate: Optional[float], warmup_steps: Optional[int], beta_1: Optional[float], beta_2: Optional[float], epsilon: Optional[float], clipnorm: Optional[float], weight_decay: Optional[float])

Settings for the optimizer.


name : str
Name of the optimizer to use, options: LAMB, Adam.
learning_rate : float
Learning rate.
label_smoothing : float, optional
Label smoothing.
decay_steps : int, optional
Number of steps to decay the learning rate with cosine decay. If None, decay is calculated automatically as decay_steps = epochs * take / batch_size - warmup_steps.
min_learning_rate : float, optional
Minimum learning rate as a fraction of learning_rate. If None, no minimum learning rate is used, i.e. min_learning_rate = 0.0.
warmup_steps : int, optional
Number of steps to warmup the learning rate with linear warmup.
beta_1 : float, optional
Beta 1 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.9.
beta_2 : float, optional
Beta 2 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.999.
epsilon : float, optional
Epsilon for Adam and LAMB, default is 1e-6.
clipnorm : float, optional
Clipnorm for Adam and LAMB. If None, no clipping is done. Default is None.
weight_decay : float, optional
Weight decay for LAMB and Adam, default is 0.0.
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class Optimizer:
    """Settings for the optimizer.

        name (str): Name of the optimizer to use, options: `LAMB`, `Adam`.
        learning_rate (float): Learning rate.
        label_smoothing (float, optional): Label smoothing.
        decay_steps (int, optional): Number of steps to decay the learning rate with cosine decay. 
            If `None`, decay is calculated automatically as `decay_steps = epochs * take / batch_size - warmup_steps`.
        min_learning_rate (float, optional): Minimum learning rate as a fraction of `learning_rate`. 
            If `None`, no minimum learning rate is used, i.e. `min_learning_rate = 0.0`.
        warmup_steps (int, optional): Number of steps to warmup the learning rate with linear warmup.
        beta_1 (float, optional): Beta 1 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.9.
        beta_2 (float, optional): Beta 2 for Adam and LAMB, default is 0.999.
        epsilon (float, optional): Epsilon for Adam and LAMB, default is 1e-6.
        clipnorm (float, optional): Clipnorm for Adam and LAMB. If `None`, no clipping is done. Default is `None`.
        weight_decay (float, optional): Weight decay for LAMB and Adam, default is 0.0.
    name: Literal['LAMB', 'Adam', 'Lion']
    learning_rate: float
    label_smoothing: Optional[float]
    decay_steps: Optional[int]
    min_learning_rate: Optional[float]
    warmup_steps: Optional[int]
    beta_1: Optional[float]
    beta_2: Optional[float]
    epsilon: Optional[float]
    clipnorm: Optional[float]
    weight_decay: Optional[float]

Class variables

var beta_1 : Optional[float]
var beta_2 : Optional[float]
var clipnorm : Optional[float]
var decay_steps : Optional[int]
var epsilon : Optional[float]
var label_smoothing : Optional[float]
var learning_rate : float
var min_learning_rate : Optional[float]
var name : Literal['LAMB', 'Adam', 'Lion']
var warmup_steps : Optional[int]
var weight_decay : Optional[float]
class Preprocess (draw_distribution: Optional[int], normalization_size: Optional[int])

Preprocessing configuration for the


draw_distribution : int, optional
Number of samples to draw distribution for. This is useful for interpreting the model based on physical quantities. If None, no distribution is drawn.
normalization_size : int, optional
Number of batches to calculate the mean and standard deviation for each variable used for normalization. If None, no normalization is done.
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class Preprocess:
    """Preprocessing configuration for the ``.

        draw_distribution (int, optional): Number of samples to draw distribution for.
            This is useful for interpreting the model based on physical quantities.
            If `None`, no distribution is drawn.    
        normalization_size (int, optional): Number of batches to calculate the mean and standard deviation 
            for each variable used for normalization. If `None`, no normalization is done.

    draw_distribution: Optional[int]   # Number of events to draw distribution for.
    normalization_size: Optional[int]  # Size of normalization dataset.

Class variables

var draw_distribution : Optional[int]
var normalization_size : Optional[int]