Module jidenn.preprocess.resampling

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import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union, Optional

ROOTVariables = dict[str, Union[tf.Tensor, tf.RaggedTensor]]

def take_second(x, y):
    return y

def take_first(x, y):
    return x

def get_bin_fn(bins: Union[int, List[float]] = 100,
               lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
               upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
               log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
               variable: str = 'jets_pt') -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that returns the bin index of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to resample a dataset to a target distribution.

        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (int, optional): The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (int, optional): The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that returns the bin index of a variable.
    if log_binning_base is not None and isinstance(bins, int):
        bin_edges =  np.logspace(np.log(lower_var_limit), np.log(upper_var_limit), bins + 1, base=log_binning_base)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bin_edges, dtype=tf.float32)
    elif isinstance(bins, int):
        lower_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(lower_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        upper_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(upper_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        bin_edges = tf.linspace(lower_var_limit_casted, upper_var_limit_casted, bins + 1)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bins, dtype=tf.float32)
    def _rebin(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        var = data[variable]
        var = tf.reshape(var, (1, ))
        bin_indices = tf.searchsorted(bin_edges, var, side='right') - 1
        bin_indices = tf.where(bin_indices < 0, 0, bin_indices)
        bin_indices = tf.clip_by_value(bin_indices, 0, len(bin_edges) - 2)
        bin_indices = tf.squeeze(bin_indices)
        return bin_indices
    return _rebin

def resample_dataset(dataset:,
                     bins: int = 100,
                     lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
                     upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
                     variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                     log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                     target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                     precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False) ->
    """Resample a dataset to a target distribution. 

        dataset ( The dataset to resample.
        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (int, optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (int, optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        target_dist (Optional[List[int]], optional): The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution
            is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

    Returns: The resampled dataset.

    dist = [1 / bins] * bins if target_dist is None else target_dist
    if target_dist is None and precompute_init_dist: 
        initial_dist =,
        initial_dist = initial_dist.reduce(tf.zeros(bins, dtype=tf.int64), lambda x, y: x + tf.one_hot(y, bins, dtype=tf.int64))
        initial_dist = tf.cast(initial_dist, dtype=tf.float64)
        initial_dist = initial_dist / tf.reduce_sum(initial_dist)
        # initial_dist = tf.squeeze(initial_dist)
        initial_dist = None
    dataset = dataset.rejection_resample(get_bin_fn(bins=bins,
                                                    variable=variable), target_dist=dist, initial_dist=initial_dist)

def get_label_bin_fn(bins: int = 100,
                     lower_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 60_000,
                     upper_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 5_600_000,
                     variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                     label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                     label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                     log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                     label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that returns the bin index of a data sample based on the value of the binned 
    variable and the label. The intended use is to use this function with
    to resample a dataset to a target distribution.

        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: _description_
    if log_binning_base is not None and isinstance(bins, int):
        bin_edges =  np.logspace(np.log(lower_var_limit), np.log(upper_var_limit), bins + 1, base=log_binning_base)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bin_edges, dtype=tf.float32)
    elif isinstance(bins, int):
        lower_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(lower_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        upper_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(upper_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        bin_edges = tf.linspace(lower_var_limit_casted, upper_var_limit_casted, bins + 1)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bins, dtype=tf.float32)
    n_bins = len(bin_edges) - 1
    def _rebin(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        var = data[variable]
        label = data[label_variable]
        var = tf.reshape(var, (1, ))
        bin_indices = tf.searchsorted(bin_edges, var, side='right') - 1
        # bin_indices = tf.where(bin_indices < 0, 0, bin_indices)
        bin_indices = tf.clip_by_value(bin_indices, 0, n_bins - 1)
        bin_indices = tf.squeeze(bin_indices)
        if tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_1, dtype=label.dtype))):
            return bin_indices
        elif tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_2, dtype=label.dtype))):
            return bin_indices + n_bins
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
    return _rebin

def rasample_from_min_bin_count(dataset:,
                                bin_fn: Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor],
                                min_bin_count: int,
                                bins: int = 100,) ->
    def assign_if_filter_fn(state, x):
        bin_idx = bin_fn(x)
        state = state + tf.one_hot(bin_idx, bins, dtype=tf.int64)
        return state, (x, tf.greater(min_bin_count, state[bin_idx]))

    dataset = dataset.scan(tf.zeros((bins), dtype=tf.int64), assign_if_filter_fn)
    dataset = dataset.filter(take_second).map(take_first)
    return dataset

def resample_with_labels_dataset(dataset:,
                                 bins: int = 100,
                                 lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
                                 upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
                                 variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                                 label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                                 label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                                 label_class_2: List[int] = [21],
                                 target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                                 log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                                 precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False,
                                 from_min_count: bool = False) ->
    """Resample a dataset to a target distribution based on the value of the label variable and the binned variable.

        dataset ( The dataset to resample.
        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].
        target_dist (Optional[List[int]], optional): The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution
            is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

    Returns: The resampled dataset.
    dist = [1 / (bins * 2)] * bins * 2 if target_dist is None else target_dist
    if target_dist is None and precompute_init_dist: 
        initial_dist =,
        initial_dist = initial_dist.reduce(tf.zeros((bins * 2), dtype=tf.int64), lambda x, y: x + tf.one_hot(y, bins * 2, dtype=tf.int64))
        min_count = tf.reduce_min(initial_dist).numpy()
        min_count = tf.cast(min_count, dtype=tf.int64)
        initial_dist = tf.cast(initial_dist, dtype=tf.float64)
        print(f'Min count: {min_count:,}')
        print(f'Estimated number of samples: {min_count * bins * 2:,}')
        initial_dist = initial_dist / tf.reduce_sum(initial_dist)
        initial_dist = None
    label_bin_fn = get_label_bin_fn(bins=bins,
    if from_min_count:
        return rasample_from_min_bin_count(dataset, label_bin_fn, min_bin_count=min_count, bins=bins * 2)
        dataset = dataset.rejection_resample(label_bin_fn, target_dist=dist, initial_dist=initial_dist)

def write_new_variable(variable_value: int, variable_name: str = 'JZ_slice') -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]:
    """Get a function that writes a new variable to a dataset. The intended use is to use this function
    with to add a new variable to a dataset. The value is the same for all samples.

        variable_value (int): The value of the new variable.
        variable_name (str, optional): The name of the new variable. Defaults to 'JZ_slice'.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]: Function that writes a new variable to a dataset.

    def _write(data: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        new_data = data.copy()
        new_data[variable_name] = variable_value
        return new_data
    return _write

def get_label_splitting_fn(label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                           label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                           label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to split a dataset into two classes.

        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable.
    def _split(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        label = data[label_variable]
        if tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_1, dtype=tf.int32))):
            return tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)
        elif tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_2, dtype=tf.int32))):
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
    return _split

def get_cut_fn(variable: str = 'jets_pt', lower_limit: Optional[float] = None, upper_limit: Optional[float] = None) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to cut a dataset.

        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to cut. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        lower_limit (Optional[float], optional): The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to None.
        upper_limit (Optional[float], optional): The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to None.

        ValueError: At least one of the limits must be specified.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable.

    if lower_limit is None and upper_limit is None:
        raise ValueError('At least one of the limits must be specified.')

    def _low_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all(data[variable] > lower_limit)

    def _up_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all(data[variable] < upper_limit)

    def _up_low_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all([data[variable] > lower_limit, data[variable] < upper_limit])

    if lower_limit is None:
        return _up_cut
    elif upper_limit is None:
        return _low_cut
        return _up_low_cut

def get_filter_fn(variable: str, values: List[Union[float, int]]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to filter a dataset.

        variable (str): Name of the variable to filter.
        values (List[Union[float, int]]): Values to keep.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable.
    def _filter(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(data[variable], tf.constant(values)))
    return _filter


def get_bin_fn(bins: Union[int, List[float]] = 100, lower_var_limit: int = 60000, upper_var_limit: int = 5600000, log_binning_base: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)] = None, variable: str = 'jets_pt') ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Get a function that returns the bin index of a variable. The intended use is to use this function with to resample a dataset to a target distribution.


n_bins : int, optional
Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
lower_var_limit : int, optional
The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to 60_000.
upper_var_limit : int, optional
The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to 5_600_000.
variable : str, optional
Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.


Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]
Function that returns the bin index of a variable.
Expand source code
def get_bin_fn(bins: Union[int, List[float]] = 100,
               lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
               upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
               log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
               variable: str = 'jets_pt') -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that returns the bin index of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to resample a dataset to a target distribution.

        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (int, optional): The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (int, optional): The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that returns the bin index of a variable.
    if log_binning_base is not None and isinstance(bins, int):
        bin_edges =  np.logspace(np.log(lower_var_limit), np.log(upper_var_limit), bins + 1, base=log_binning_base)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bin_edges, dtype=tf.float32)
    elif isinstance(bins, int):
        lower_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(lower_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        upper_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(upper_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        bin_edges = tf.linspace(lower_var_limit_casted, upper_var_limit_casted, bins + 1)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bins, dtype=tf.float32)
    def _rebin(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        var = data[variable]
        var = tf.reshape(var, (1, ))
        bin_indices = tf.searchsorted(bin_edges, var, side='right') - 1
        bin_indices = tf.where(bin_indices < 0, 0, bin_indices)
        bin_indices = tf.clip_by_value(bin_indices, 0, len(bin_edges) - 2)
        bin_indices = tf.squeeze(bin_indices)
        return bin_indices
    return _rebin
def get_cut_fn(variable: str = 'jets_pt', lower_limit: Optional[float] = None, upper_limit: Optional[float] = None) ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Get a function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function with to cut a dataset.


variable : str, optional
Name of the variable to cut. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
lower_limit : Optional[float], optional
The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to None.
upper_limit : Optional[float], optional
The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to None.


At least one of the limits must be specified.


Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]
Function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable.
Expand source code
def get_cut_fn(variable: str = 'jets_pt', lower_limit: Optional[float] = None, upper_limit: Optional[float] = None) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to cut a dataset.

        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to cut. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        lower_limit (Optional[float], optional): The lower limit of the variable. Defaults to None.
        upper_limit (Optional[float], optional): The upper limit of the variable. Defaults to None.

        ValueError: At least one of the limits must be specified.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that cuts a dataset based on the value of a variable.

    if lower_limit is None and upper_limit is None:
        raise ValueError('At least one of the limits must be specified.')

    def _low_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all(data[variable] > lower_limit)

    def _up_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all(data[variable] < upper_limit)

    def _up_low_cut(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_all([data[variable] > lower_limit, data[variable] < upper_limit])

    if lower_limit is None:
        return _up_cut
    elif upper_limit is None:
        return _low_cut
        return _up_low_cut
def get_filter_fn(variable: str, values: List[Union[float, int]]) ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Get a function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function with to filter a dataset.


variable : str
Name of the variable to filter.
values : List[Union[float, int]]
Values to keep.


Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]
Function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable.
Expand source code
def get_filter_fn(variable: str, values: List[Union[float, int]]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to filter a dataset.

        variable (str): Name of the variable to filter.
        values (List[Union[float, int]]): Values to keep.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that filters a dataset based on the value of a variable.
    def _filter(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(data[variable], tf.constant(values)))
    return _filter
def get_label_bin_fn(bins: int = 100, lower_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 60000, upper_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 5600000, variable: str = 'jets_pt', label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID', label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], log_binning_base: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)] = None, label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Get a function that returns the bin index of a data sample based on the value of the binned variable and the label. The intended use is to use this function with to resample a dataset to a target distribution.


n_bins : int, optional
Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
lower_var_limit : Union[int, float], optional
The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). Defaults to 60_000.
upper_var_limit : Union[int, float], optional
The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin). Defaults to 5_600_000.
variable : str, optional
Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
label_variable : str, optional
Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
label_class_1 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class. The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
label_class_2 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class. The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].


Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]
Expand source code
def get_label_bin_fn(bins: int = 100,
                     lower_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 60_000,
                     upper_var_limit: Union[int, float] = 5_600_000,
                     variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                     label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                     label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                     log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                     label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that returns the bin index of a data sample based on the value of the binned 
    variable and the label. The intended use is to use this function with
    to resample a dataset to a target distribution.

        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: _description_
    if log_binning_base is not None and isinstance(bins, int):
        bin_edges =  np.logspace(np.log(lower_var_limit), np.log(upper_var_limit), bins + 1, base=log_binning_base)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bin_edges, dtype=tf.float32)
    elif isinstance(bins, int):
        lower_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(lower_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        upper_var_limit_casted = tf.cast(upper_var_limit, dtype=tf.float32)
        bin_edges = tf.linspace(lower_var_limit_casted, upper_var_limit_casted, bins + 1)
        bin_edges = tf.constant(bins, dtype=tf.float32)
    n_bins = len(bin_edges) - 1
    def _rebin(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        var = data[variable]
        label = data[label_variable]
        var = tf.reshape(var, (1, ))
        bin_indices = tf.searchsorted(bin_edges, var, side='right') - 1
        # bin_indices = tf.where(bin_indices < 0, 0, bin_indices)
        bin_indices = tf.clip_by_value(bin_indices, 0, n_bins - 1)
        bin_indices = tf.squeeze(bin_indices)
        if tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_1, dtype=label.dtype))):
            return bin_indices
        elif tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_2, dtype=label.dtype))):
            return bin_indices + n_bins
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
    return _rebin
def get_label_splitting_fn(label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID', label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]

Get a function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable. The intended use is to use this function with to split a dataset into two classes.


label_variable : str, optional
Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
label_class_1 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
label_class_2 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.


Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]
Function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable.
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def get_label_splitting_fn(label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                           label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                           label_class_2: List[int] = [21]) -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]:
    """Get a function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable. The intended use is to use this function
    with to split a dataset into two classes.

        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor]: Function that splits a dataset based on the value of the label variable.
    def _split(data: ROOTVariables) -> tf.Tensor:
        label = data[label_variable]
        if tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_1, dtype=tf.int32))):
            return tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)
        elif tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(label, tf.constant(label_class_2, dtype=tf.int32))):
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
            return tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32)
    return _split
def rasample_from_min_bin_count(dataset:, bin_fn: Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor], min_bin_count: int, bins: int = 100) ‑>
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def rasample_from_min_bin_count(dataset:,
                                bin_fn: Callable[[ROOTVariables], tf.Tensor],
                                min_bin_count: int,
                                bins: int = 100,) ->
    def assign_if_filter_fn(state, x):
        bin_idx = bin_fn(x)
        state = state + tf.one_hot(bin_idx, bins, dtype=tf.int64)
        return state, (x, tf.greater(min_bin_count, state[bin_idx]))

    dataset = dataset.scan(tf.zeros((bins), dtype=tf.int64), assign_if_filter_fn)
    dataset = dataset.filter(take_second).map(take_first)
    return dataset
def resample_dataset(dataset:, bins: int = 100, lower_var_limit: int = 60000, upper_var_limit: int = 5600000, variable: str = 'jets_pt', log_binning_base: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)] = None, target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None, precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False) ‑>

Resample a dataset to a target distribution.


dataset :
The dataset to resample.
n_bins : int, optional
Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
lower_var_limit : int, optional
The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). Defaults to 60_000.
upper_var_limit : int, optional
The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin). Defaults to 5_600_000.
variable : str, optional
Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
target_dist : Optional[List[int]], optional
The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

The resampled dataset.
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def resample_dataset(dataset:,
                     bins: int = 100,
                     lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
                     upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
                     variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                     log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                     target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                     precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False) ->
    """Resample a dataset to a target distribution. 

        dataset ( The dataset to resample.
        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (int, optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (int, optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        target_dist (Optional[List[int]], optional): The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution
            is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

    Returns: The resampled dataset.

    dist = [1 / bins] * bins if target_dist is None else target_dist
    if target_dist is None and precompute_init_dist: 
        initial_dist =,
        initial_dist = initial_dist.reduce(tf.zeros(bins, dtype=tf.int64), lambda x, y: x + tf.one_hot(y, bins, dtype=tf.int64))
        initial_dist = tf.cast(initial_dist, dtype=tf.float64)
        initial_dist = initial_dist / tf.reduce_sum(initial_dist)
        # initial_dist = tf.squeeze(initial_dist)
        initial_dist = None
    dataset = dataset.rejection_resample(get_bin_fn(bins=bins,
                                                    variable=variable), target_dist=dist, initial_dist=initial_dist)
def resample_with_labels_dataset(dataset:, bins: int = 100, lower_var_limit: int = 60000, upper_var_limit: int = 5600000, variable: str = 'jets_pt', label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID', label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], label_class_2: List[int] = [21], target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None, log_binning_base: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)] = None, precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False, from_min_count: bool = False) ‑>

Resample a dataset to a target distribution based on the value of the label variable and the binned variable.


dataset :
The dataset to resample.
n_bins : int, optional
Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
lower_var_limit : Union[int, float], optional
The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). Defaults to 60_000.
upper_var_limit : Union[int, float], optional
The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin). Defaults to 5_600_000.
variable : str, optional
Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
label_variable : str, optional
Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
label_class_1 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class. The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
label_class_2 : List[int], optional
Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class. The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].
target_dist : Optional[List[int]], optional
The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

The resampled dataset.
Expand source code
def resample_with_labels_dataset(dataset:,
                                 bins: int = 100,
                                 lower_var_limit: int = 60_000,
                                 upper_var_limit: int = 5_600_000,
                                 variable: str = 'jets_pt',
                                 label_variable: str = 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID',
                                 label_class_1: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
                                 label_class_2: List[int] = [21],
                                 target_dist: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                                 log_binning_base: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
                                 precompute_init_dist: Optional[bool] = False,
                                 from_min_count: bool = False) ->
    """Resample a dataset to a target distribution based on the value of the label variable and the binned variable.

        dataset ( The dataset to resample.
        n_bins (int, optional): Number of bins to use. Defaults to 100.
        lower_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The lower limit of the binned variable (the lowest bin). 
            Defaults to 60_000.
        upper_var_limit (Union[int, float], optional): The upper limit of the binned variable (the highest bin).
            Defaults to 5_600_000.
        variable (str, optional): Name of the variable to bin. Defaults to 'jets_pt'.
        label_variable (str, optional): Name of the label variable. Defaults to 'jets_PartonTruthLabelID'.
        label_class_1 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the first class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
        label_class_2 (List[int], optional): Values of the label variable that correspond to the second class.
            The values will be regarded as the same class. Defaults to [21].
        target_dist (Optional[List[int]], optional): The target distribution. If None, a uniform distribution
            is used. Defaults to None. It must have the same length as the number of bins.

    Returns: The resampled dataset.
    dist = [1 / (bins * 2)] * bins * 2 if target_dist is None else target_dist
    if target_dist is None and precompute_init_dist: 
        initial_dist =,
        initial_dist = initial_dist.reduce(tf.zeros((bins * 2), dtype=tf.int64), lambda x, y: x + tf.one_hot(y, bins * 2, dtype=tf.int64))
        min_count = tf.reduce_min(initial_dist).numpy()
        min_count = tf.cast(min_count, dtype=tf.int64)
        initial_dist = tf.cast(initial_dist, dtype=tf.float64)
        print(f'Min count: {min_count:,}')
        print(f'Estimated number of samples: {min_count * bins * 2:,}')
        initial_dist = initial_dist / tf.reduce_sum(initial_dist)
        initial_dist = None
    label_bin_fn = get_label_bin_fn(bins=bins,
    if from_min_count:
        return rasample_from_min_bin_count(dataset, label_bin_fn, min_bin_count=min_count, bins=bins * 2)
        dataset = dataset.rejection_resample(label_bin_fn, target_dist=dist, initial_dist=initial_dist)
def take_first(x, y)
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def take_first(x, y):
    return x
def take_second(x, y)
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def take_second(x, y):
    return y
def write_new_variable(variable_value: int, variable_name: str = 'JZ_slice') ‑> Callable[[dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]], dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor]]]

Get a function that writes a new variable to a dataset. The intended use is to use this function with to add a new variable to a dataset. The value is the same for all samples.


variable_value : int
The value of the new variable.
variable_name : str, optional
The name of the new variable. Defaults to 'JZ_slice'.


Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]
Function that writes a new variable to a dataset.
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def write_new_variable(variable_value: int, variable_name: str = 'JZ_slice') -> Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]:
    """Get a function that writes a new variable to a dataset. The intended use is to use this function
    with to add a new variable to a dataset. The value is the same for all samples.

        variable_value (int): The value of the new variable.
        variable_name (str, optional): The name of the new variable. Defaults to 'JZ_slice'.

        Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]: Function that writes a new variable to a dataset.

    def _write(data: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        new_data = data.copy()
        new_data[variable_name] = variable_value
        return new_data
    return _write