
This module contains functions to convert strings to objects that can be evaluated on a sample, without using eval. The two commonly operations are cuts and construction of variables from strings given some prior knowledge of the variables. Data samples are represented as Dict[str, tf.Tensor] (alternatively tf.Raggedtensor) where the keys are the variable names and the values are the variable values.

The main advantage of this approach is that it is safe and can be easily configured.

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This module contains functions to convert strings to objects that can be evaluated on a sample, **without** using `eval`.
The two commonly operations are cuts and construction of variables from strings given some prior knowledge of the variables.
Data samples are represented as `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]` (alternatively `tf.Raggedtensor`) where the keys are the variable names and the values are the variable values.

The main advantage of this approach is that it is **safe** and can be **easily configured**.
from __future__ import annotations
import tensorflow as tf
from typing import Dict, Iterable

def bracketed_split(string: str, delimiter: str = ',', strip_brackets: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]:
    """ Split a string by the delimiter unless it is inside brackets.
    original code from

    for s in bracketed_split('abc,(def,ghi),jkl', delimiter=','):

        string(str): The string to split.
        delimiter(str): The delimiter to split by.
        strip_brackets(bool): If `True`, the brackets are stripped from the output strings.


    openers = '('
    closers = ')'
    opener_to_closer = dict(zip(openers, closers))
    opening_bracket = dict()
    current_string = ''
    depth = 0
    for c in string:
        if c in openers:
            depth += 1
            opening_bracket[depth] = c
            if strip_brackets and depth == 1:
        elif c in closers:
            assert depth > 0, f"You exited more brackets that we have entered in string {string}"
            assert c == opener_to_closer[opening_bracket[depth]
                                         ], f"Closing bracket {c} did not match opening bracket {opening_bracket[depth]} in string {string}"
            depth -= 1
            if strip_brackets and depth == 0:
        if depth == 0 and c == delimiter:
            yield current_string
            current_string = ''
            current_string += c
    assert depth == 0, f'You did not close all brackets in string {string}'
    yield current_string

class SimpleCut:
    """A simple cut that can be evaluated on a sample. 
    It is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. 'jets_pt > 50_000'.
    The **allowed operators** are `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`.
    There **must not be any spaces** in the string, next to the operators.

    When the class instance is called on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`, it returns a boolean tensor that is `True` 
    if the given variable cut is passed and `False` otherwise.
    The boolean is returned as a `tf.Tensor`.

    cut = SimpleCut('jets_pt > 50_000')
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
    data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
    cut(data_sample) # True
    cut(data_sample2) # False

        cut_repr (str): The string representation of the cut.
    _ordered_signs = ['<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '<', '>']
    _sign_mapping = {'==': tf.equal, '!=': tf.not_equal, '>': tf.greater,
                     '<': tf.less, '>=': tf.greater_equal, '<=': tf.less_equal}

    def __init__(self, cut_repr: str) -> None:
        if cut_repr[0] == '(' and cut_repr[-1] == ')':
            self._cut_repr = cut_repr[1:-1]
            self._cut_repr = cut_repr

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self._cut_repr

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
        The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut on.

            tf.Tensor: A boolean tensor that is `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise.
        for sign in self._ordered_signs:
            if sign in self._cut_repr:
                left, right = self._cut_repr.split(sign)
                left = left.strip()
                right = right.strip()
                if left in sample:
                    left = sample[left]
                    left = tf.constant(float(left))
                if right in sample:
                    right = sample[right]
                    right = tf.cast(float(right), left.dtype)
                return tf.reduce_all(self._sign_mapping[sign](left, right))

class Cut:
    """Class representing a composite cut that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    The cut is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. '(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 2.0)'.
    They are a composition of `SimpleCut`s and the **allowed operators** are `&&` and `||` .
    `SimpleCut` **must be enclosed in brackets** and composition operators must be **separated by spaces** from the `SimpleCut`s.
    There **must not be any space** next to the `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=` operators.

    cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
    data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
    cut(data_sample) # False
    cut(data_sample2) # False

    Two `Cut`s can be combined with the `&` and `|` operators. The `&` operator is equivalent to `&&` and the `|` operator is equivalent to `||`.

    cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
    cut2 = cut & Cut('(jets_pt < 100_000)')
    cut3 = cut | Cut('(jets_eta > -1.5)')

        cut_repr (str): The string representation of the cut.

    def __init__(self, cut_repr: str) -> None:
        self._cut_repr = cut_repr

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
        The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut. 

            bool: `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise as a `tf.Tensor`.
        return self._evaluate(self, sample)

    def _evaluate(self, cut: Cut, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        split = list(bracketed_split(cut._cut_repr, delimiter=' ', strip_brackets=True))
        if '&&' in split and '||' in split:
            raise ValueError(f"Cut {cut._cut_repr} is not valid, use brackets to separate && and ||")

        if len(split) == 1:
            return SimpleCut(split[0])(sample)
        if '&&' in split:
            split[:] = (x for x in split if x != '&&')
            return tf.reduce_all([self._evaluate(Cut(subcut), sample) for subcut in split])
        elif '||' in split:
            split[:] = (x for x in split if x != '||')
            return tf.reduce_any([self._evaluate(Cut(subcut), sample) for subcut in split])

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self._cut_repr

    def __and__(self, other: Cut) -> Cut:
        return Cut(f'({self._cut_repr}) && ({other._cut_repr})')

    def __or__(self, other: Cut) -> Cut:
        return Cut(f'({self._cut_repr}) || ({other._cut_repr})')

class SimpleExpression:
    .. caution::
        Might not work properly!
    Class representing a simple expression that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    Simple expression is a slice of a tensor in the sample, eg. `jets_pt[0]`.
    The class instance can be called on a sample to evaluate the expression.

    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
    expression = SimpleExpression('jets_pt[0]')
    expression(data_sample) # 100_000
        expression (str): The string representation of the expression.

    def __init__(self, expression: str):
        expression = expression.strip()
        self._expression = expression
        if '[' in expression and ']' in expression:
            self._var = expression.split('[')[0]
            self._slice = self._parse_slice(expression.split('[')[1][:-1])
            self._var = expression
            self._slice = None

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

            ValueError: If the expression is not found in the sample and cannot be cast to float.

            tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
        if self._var not in sample:
                return float(self._var)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError(f'Expression {self._expression} not found in sample and cannot be cast to float')
        if self._slice is None:
            return sample[self._var]
            tensor = sample[self._var]
            old_rank = tensor.shape.rank
            sliced = tensor[self._slice]
            new_rank = sliced.shape.rank
            if old_rank == new_rank:
                return tf.squeeze(sliced, axis=-1)
                return sliced

    def __str__(self):
        return self._expression

    def _pick_var(self, sample, var):
        var_split = var.split('[')
        if len(var_split) == 1:
            return sample[var]
        var_name = var_split[0]
        var_slice = self._parse_slice(var_split[1][:-1]) if '[' in var else None
        if sample[var_name].shape.rank == 1:
            return sample[var_name][var_slice]
        return tf.squeeze(sample[var_name][var_slice], axis=-1)

    def _parse_slice(self, slice_str: str):
        return tuple((slice(*(int(i) if i else None for i in part.strip().split(':'))) if ':' in part else int(part.strip())) for part in slice_str.split(','))

def _add(a, b):
    """Add two numbers"""
    return a + b

def _sub(a, b):
    """Subtract two numbers"""
    return a - b

def _multiply(a, b):
    """Multiply two numbers"""
    return a * b

def _divide(a, b):
    """Divide two numbers"""
    return a / b

class Expression:
    .. caution::
        Might not work properly!
    An expression that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    It can be used to create new variables in the sample, eg. `jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]`.
    The allowed operations are `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`. The opeartions can involve numbers, eg. `jets_pt[0]/1000`. 

    It is mainly use to use only some entries of a multidimensional tensor, eg. `jets_pt[0]` to use only the leading jet. 

    The name of the new variable is the same as the string represtation of the expression.

    ``` python
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
    expression = Expression('jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]')
    expression(data_sample) # 150_000
        expression (str): The string representation of the expression.

    _operation_mapping = {'+': _add, '-': _sub, '*': _multiply, '/': _divide}

    def __init__(self, expression):
        self._expression = expression

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.
        The method is decorated with `tf.function` to speed up the evaluation during training.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

            tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
        return self._evaluate(self._expression, sample)

    def __str__(self):
        return self._expression

    def _evaluate(self, expression: str, sample):
        for operation_rep, operation in self._operation_mapping.items():
            if operation_rep in expression:
                left = self._evaluate(expression.split(operation_rep, 1)[0], sample)
                right = self._evaluate(expression.split(operation_rep, 1)[1], sample)
                    return operation(left, right)
                except TypeError:
                    return operation(float(left), float(right))

        return SimpleExpression(expression)(sample)

__pdoc__ = {'SimpleCut.__call__': True, 'Cut.__call__': True,
            'Expression.__call__': True, 'SimpleExpression.__call__': True}


def bracketed_split(string: str, delimiter: str = ',', strip_brackets: bool = True) ‑> Iterable[str]

Split a string by the delimiter unless it is inside brackets. original code from


for s in bracketed_split('abc,(def,ghi),jkl', delimiter=','):


string(str): The string to split. delimiter(str): The delimiter to split by. strip_brackets(bool): If True, the brackets are stripped from the output strings.

Expand source code
def bracketed_split(string: str, delimiter: str = ',', strip_brackets: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]:
    """ Split a string by the delimiter unless it is inside brackets.
    original code from

    for s in bracketed_split('abc,(def,ghi),jkl', delimiter=','):

        string(str): The string to split.
        delimiter(str): The delimiter to split by.
        strip_brackets(bool): If `True`, the brackets are stripped from the output strings.


    openers = '('
    closers = ')'
    opener_to_closer = dict(zip(openers, closers))
    opening_bracket = dict()
    current_string = ''
    depth = 0
    for c in string:
        if c in openers:
            depth += 1
            opening_bracket[depth] = c
            if strip_brackets and depth == 1:
        elif c in closers:
            assert depth > 0, f"You exited more brackets that we have entered in string {string}"
            assert c == opener_to_closer[opening_bracket[depth]
                                         ], f"Closing bracket {c} did not match opening bracket {opening_bracket[depth]} in string {string}"
            depth -= 1
            if strip_brackets and depth == 0:
        if depth == 0 and c == delimiter:
            yield current_string
            current_string = ''
            current_string += c
    assert depth == 0, f'You did not close all brackets in string {string}'
    yield current_string


class Cut (cut_repr: str)

Class representing a composite cut that can be evaluated on a sample Dict[str, tf.Tensor]. The cut is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. '(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 2.0)'. They are a composition of SimpleCuts and the allowed operators are && and || . SimpleCut must be enclosed in brackets and composition operators must be separated by spaces from the SimpleCuts. There must not be any space next to the ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= operators.


cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
cut(data_sample) # False
cut(data_sample2) # False

Two Cuts can be combined with the & and | operators. The & operator is equivalent to && and the | operator is equivalent to ||.


cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
cut2 = cut & Cut('(jets_pt < 100_000)')
cut3 = cut | Cut('(jets_eta > -1.5)')


cut_repr : str
The string representation of the cut.
Expand source code
class Cut:
    """Class representing a composite cut that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    The cut is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. '(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 2.0)'.
    They are a composition of `SimpleCut`s and the **allowed operators** are `&&` and `||` .
    `SimpleCut` **must be enclosed in brackets** and composition operators must be **separated by spaces** from the `SimpleCut`s.
    There **must not be any space** next to the `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=` operators.

    cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
    data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
    cut(data_sample) # False
    cut(data_sample2) # False

    Two `Cut`s can be combined with the `&` and `|` operators. The `&` operator is equivalent to `&&` and the `|` operator is equivalent to `||`.

    cut = Cut('(jets_pt > 50_000) && (jets_eta < 1.5)')
    cut2 = cut & Cut('(jets_pt < 100_000)')
    cut3 = cut | Cut('(jets_eta > -1.5)')

        cut_repr (str): The string representation of the cut.

    def __init__(self, cut_repr: str) -> None:
        self._cut_repr = cut_repr

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
        The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut. 

            bool: `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise as a `tf.Tensor`.
        return self._evaluate(self, sample)

    def _evaluate(self, cut: Cut, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        split = list(bracketed_split(cut._cut_repr, delimiter=' ', strip_brackets=True))
        if '&&' in split and '||' in split:
            raise ValueError(f"Cut {cut._cut_repr} is not valid, use brackets to separate && and ||")

        if len(split) == 1:
            return SimpleCut(split[0])(sample)
        if '&&' in split:
            split[:] = (x for x in split if x != '&&')
            return tf.reduce_all([self._evaluate(Cut(subcut), sample) for subcut in split])
        elif '||' in split:
            split[:] = (x for x in split if x != '||')
            return tf.reduce_any([self._evaluate(Cut(subcut), sample) for subcut in split])

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self._cut_repr

    def __and__(self, other: Cut) -> Cut:
        return Cut(f'({self._cut_repr}) && ({other._cut_repr})')

    def __or__(self, other: Cut) -> Cut:
        return Cut(f'({self._cut_repr}) || ({other._cut_repr})')


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) ‑> tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor

Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is True, otherwise it is False. The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.


sample : Dict[str, tf.Tensor]
The sample to evaluate the cut.


True if the cut is passed and False otherwise as a tf.Tensor.
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def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
    The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

        sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut. 

        bool: `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise as a `tf.Tensor`.
    return self._evaluate(self, sample)
class Expression (expression)


Might not work properly!

An expression that can be evaluated on a sample Dict[str, tf.Tensor]. It can be used to create new variables in the sample, eg. jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]. The allowed operations are +, -, *, /. The opeartions can involve numbers, eg. jets_pt[0]/1000.

It is mainly use to use only some entries of a multidimensional tensor, eg. jets_pt[0] to use only the leading jet.

The name of the new variable is the same as the string represtation of the expression.


data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
expression = Expression('jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]')
expression(data_sample) # 150_000


expression : str
The string representation of the expression.
Expand source code
class Expression:
    .. caution::
        Might not work properly!
    An expression that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    It can be used to create new variables in the sample, eg. `jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]`.
    The allowed operations are `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`. The opeartions can involve numbers, eg. `jets_pt[0]/1000`. 

    It is mainly use to use only some entries of a multidimensional tensor, eg. `jets_pt[0]` to use only the leading jet. 

    The name of the new variable is the same as the string represtation of the expression.

    ``` python
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
    expression = Expression('jets_pt[0] + jets_pt[1]')
    expression(data_sample) # 150_000
        expression (str): The string representation of the expression.

    _operation_mapping = {'+': _add, '-': _sub, '*': _multiply, '/': _divide}

    def __init__(self, expression):
        self._expression = expression

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.
        The method is decorated with `tf.function` to speed up the evaluation during training.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

            tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
        return self._evaluate(self._expression, sample)

    def __str__(self):
        return self._expression

    def _evaluate(self, expression: str, sample):
        for operation_rep, operation in self._operation_mapping.items():
            if operation_rep in expression:
                left = self._evaluate(expression.split(operation_rep, 1)[0], sample)
                right = self._evaluate(expression.split(operation_rep, 1)[1], sample)
                    return operation(left, right)
                except TypeError:
                    return operation(float(left), float(right))

        return SimpleExpression(expression)(sample)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) ‑> tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor

Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample. The method is decorated with tf.function to speed up the evaluation during training.


sample : Dict[str, tf.Tensor]
The sample to evaluate the expression.


The sliced tensor.
Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.
    The method is decorated with `tf.function` to speed up the evaluation during training.

        sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

        tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
    return self._evaluate(self._expression, sample)
class SimpleCut (cut_repr: str)

A simple cut that can be evaluated on a sample. It is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. 'jets_pt > 50_000'. The allowed operators are ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=. There must not be any spaces in the string, next to the operators.

When the class instance is called on a sample Dict[str, tf.Tensor], it returns a boolean tensor that is True if the given variable cut is passed and False otherwise. The boolean is returned as a tf.Tensor.


cut = SimpleCut('jets_pt > 50_000')
data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
cut(data_sample) # True
cut(data_sample2) # False


cut_repr : str
The string representation of the cut.
Expand source code
class SimpleCut:
    """A simple cut that can be evaluated on a sample. 
    It is initialized with a string representation of the cut, eg. 'jets_pt > 50_000'.
    The **allowed operators** are `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`.
    There **must not be any spaces** in the string, next to the operators.

    When the class instance is called on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`, it returns a boolean tensor that is `True` 
    if the given variable cut is passed and `False` otherwise.
    The boolean is returned as a `tf.Tensor`.

    cut = SimpleCut('jets_pt > 50_000')
    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([2.0])}
    data_sample2 = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([10_000]), 'jets_eta': tf.constant([0.1])}
    cut(data_sample) # True
    cut(data_sample2) # False

        cut_repr (str): The string representation of the cut.
    _ordered_signs = ['<=', '>=', '==', '!=', '<', '>']
    _sign_mapping = {'==': tf.equal, '!=': tf.not_equal, '>': tf.greater,
                     '<': tf.less, '>=': tf.greater_equal, '<=': tf.less_equal}

    def __init__(self, cut_repr: str) -> None:
        if cut_repr[0] == '(' and cut_repr[-1] == ')':
            self._cut_repr = cut_repr[1:-1]
            self._cut_repr = cut_repr

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self._cut_repr

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
        The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut on.

            tf.Tensor: A boolean tensor that is `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise.
        for sign in self._ordered_signs:
            if sign in self._cut_repr:
                left, right = self._cut_repr.split(sign)
                left = left.strip()
                right = right.strip()
                if left in sample:
                    left = sample[left]
                    left = tf.constant(float(left))
                if right in sample:
                    right = sample[right]
                    right = tf.cast(float(right), left.dtype)
                return tf.reduce_all(self._sign_mapping[sign](left, right))


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) ‑> tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor

Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is True, otherwise it is False. The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.


sample : Dict[str, tf.Tensor]
The sample to evaluate the cut on.


A boolean tensor that is True if the cut is passed and False otherwise.
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def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Evaluate the cut on a sample. If the cut is passed, the returned tensor is `True`, otherwise it is `False`.
    The behaviour is undefined if the cut is not valid, ie. if the variable name is not in the sample.

        sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the cut on.

        tf.Tensor: A boolean tensor that is `True` if the cut is passed and `False` otherwise.
    for sign in self._ordered_signs:
        if sign in self._cut_repr:
            left, right = self._cut_repr.split(sign)
            left = left.strip()
            right = right.strip()
            if left in sample:
                left = sample[left]
                left = tf.constant(float(left))
            if right in sample:
                right = sample[right]
                right = tf.cast(float(right), left.dtype)
            return tf.reduce_all(self._sign_mapping[sign](left, right))
class SimpleExpression (expression: str)


Might not work properly!

Class representing a simple expression that can be evaluated on a sample Dict[str, tf.Tensor]. Simple expression is a slice of a tensor in the sample, eg. jets_pt[0]. The class instance can be called on a sample to evaluate the expression.


data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
expression = SimpleExpression('jets_pt[0]')
expression(data_sample) # 100_000


expression : str
The string representation of the expression.
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class SimpleExpression:
    .. caution::
        Might not work properly!
    Class representing a simple expression that can be evaluated on a sample `Dict[str, tf.Tensor]`.
    Simple expression is a slice of a tensor in the sample, eg. `jets_pt[0]`.
    The class instance can be called on a sample to evaluate the expression.

    data_sample = {'jets_pt': tf.constant([100_000, 50_000])}
    expression = SimpleExpression('jets_pt[0]')
    expression(data_sample) # 100_000
        expression (str): The string representation of the expression.

    def __init__(self, expression: str):
        expression = expression.strip()
        self._expression = expression
        if '[' in expression and ']' in expression:
            self._var = expression.split('[')[0]
            self._slice = self._parse_slice(expression.split('[')[1][:-1])
            self._var = expression
            self._slice = None

    def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.

            sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

            ValueError: If the expression is not found in the sample and cannot be cast to float.

            tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
        if self._var not in sample:
                return float(self._var)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError(f'Expression {self._expression} not found in sample and cannot be cast to float')
        if self._slice is None:
            return sample[self._var]
            tensor = sample[self._var]
            old_rank = tensor.shape.rank
            sliced = tensor[self._slice]
            new_rank = sliced.shape.rank
            if old_rank == new_rank:
                return tf.squeeze(sliced, axis=-1)
                return sliced

    def __str__(self):
        return self._expression

    def _pick_var(self, sample, var):
        var_split = var.split('[')
        if len(var_split) == 1:
            return sample[var]
        var_name = var_split[0]
        var_slice = self._parse_slice(var_split[1][:-1]) if '[' in var else None
        if sample[var_name].shape.rank == 1:
            return sample[var_name][var_slice]
        return tf.squeeze(sample[var_name][var_slice], axis=-1)

    def _parse_slice(self, slice_str: str):
        return tuple((slice(*(int(i) if i else None for i in part.strip().split(':'))) if ':' in part else int(part.strip())) for part in slice_str.split(','))


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) ‑> tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor

Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.


sample : Dict[str, tf.Tensor]
The sample to evaluate the expression.


If the expression is not found in the sample and cannot be cast to float.


The sliced tensor.
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def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Evaluate the expression on a sample. The behaviour is undefined if the variable name is not in the sample.

        sample (Dict[str, tf.Tensor]): The sample to evaluate the expression.

        ValueError: If the expression is not found in the sample and cannot be cast to float.

        tf.Tensor: The sliced tensor.
    if self._var not in sample:
            return float(self._var)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f'Expression {self._expression} not found in sample and cannot be cast to float')
    if self._slice is None:
        return sample[self._var]
        tensor = sample[self._var]
        old_rank = tensor.shape.rank
        sliced = tensor[self._slice]
        new_rank = sliced.shape.rank
        if old_rank == new_rank:
            return tf.squeeze(sliced, axis=-1)
            return sliced