
Module containing classes that create the various types of input variables for all the neural networks. Each type of input variables is a subclass of the TrainInput class. Defining a new type of input variables is as simple as creating a new subclass of TrainInput , implementing the __call__ method and the input_shape property, which is used to define the input layer size of the neural network.

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Module containing classes that create the various types of input variables for all the neural networks.
Each type of input variables is a subclass of the `TrainInput` class.
Defining a new type of input variables is as simple as creating a new subclass of `TrainInput` ,
implementing the `__call__` method and the `input_shape` property, which is used to define the 
input layer size of the neural network.
import tensorflow as tf
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Union, Literal, Callable, Dict, Tuple, List, Optional, Type
from .four_vector_transform import to_e_px_py_pz, to_m_pt_eta_phi
from .JIDENNDataset import ROOTVariables

class TrainInput(ABC):
    """Base class for all train input classes. The `TrainInput` class is used to **construct the input variables** for the neural network.
    The class can be initialized with a list of available variables. 

    The instance is then passed to the `map` method of a `` object to use the `TrainInput.__call__` method to construct the input variables.
    Optionally, the class can be put into a `tf.function` to speed up the preprocessing.

    train_input = HighLevelJetVariables(variables=['jets_pt', 'jets_eta', 'jets_phi', 'jets_m'])
    dataset =

        variables (List[str], optional): List of available variables. Defaults to None.


    def __init__(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None):
        self.variables = variables

    def input_shape(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[None, int], Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]]:
        """The shape of the input variables. This is used to **define the input layer size** of the neural network.
        The `None` values are used for ragged dimensions., eg. `(None, 4)` for a variable number of jet consitutents with 4 variables per consitutent.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        """Constructs the input variables from the `ROOTVariables` object. 
        The output is a dictionary of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`, i.e. a `ROOTVariables` type.

            sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.    

            ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`.

        raise NotImplementedError

class HighLevelJetVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the **whole jet**. 
    The variables are taken from the `variable` list on the input.
    These variables are used to train `jidenn.models.FC.FCModel` and `jidenn.models.Highway.HighwayModel`.

        variables (List[str], optional): List of available variables. Defaults to None.


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        """Loops over the `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables` and constructs the input variables.

            sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.

            ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}` where `var_name` is from `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables`.

        return {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32) for var in self.variables}

    def input_shape(self) -> int:
        """The input shape is just an integer `len(self.variables)`."""
        return len(self.variables)

class QR(TrainInput):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
                for var in self.variables}
        px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
            'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
        p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
        phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
        theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

        data.update({'log_pt': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                    'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})
        return data

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
        """The input shape is tuple `(None, len(per_jet_tuple_variables))`."""
        return (None, len(self.variables))

class QRInteraction(TrainInput):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
                for var in self.variables}
        px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
            'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
        p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
        phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
        theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

        data.update({'log_norm_p': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                    'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})

        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(theta[:, tf.newaxis] - theta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(e))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(
            p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(e))

        z = tf.math.minimum(p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (p_norm[:, tf.newaxis] + p_norm[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(e))

        m2 = tf.math.square(e[:, tf.newaxis] + e[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(e))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        return data, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        return (None, len(self.variables)), (None, None, 4)

class HighLevelPFOVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the **whole jet** from the PFO objects.
    These are special variables constructed for the BDT model, `jidenn.models.BDT.bdt_model`, from PFO object (originaly only from tracks trk)

    - jet transverse momentum $$p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - jet psedo-rapidity $$\\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - number of PFOs $$ N_{\\mathrm {PFO}}=\\sum_{\\mathrm {PFO } \\in \\mathrm { jet }} $$
    - jet width $$$W_{\\mathrm {PFO}}=\\frac{\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a} \\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}})^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}})^2}}{\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a}}$$
    - C variable $$C_1^{\\beta=0.2}=\\frac{\\sum_{a, b \\in \\mathrm{jet}}^{a \\neq b} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b \\left(\\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^b)^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^b)^2}\\right)^{\\beta=0.2}}{\\left(\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a}\\right)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        N_PFO = sample['jets_PFO_n']

        delta_R_PFO_jet = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta_jet - eta_const) +
                                       tf.math.square(phi_jet - phi_const))

        W_PFO_jet = tf.math.reduce_sum(
            pt_const * delta_R_PFO_jet, axis=-1) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)
        delta_R_PFOs = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(
            eta_const[:, tf.newaxis] - eta_const[tf.newaxis, :]) + tf.math.square(phi_const[:, tf.newaxis] - phi_const[tf.newaxis, :]))
        C1_PFO_jet = tf.einsum('i,ij,j', pt_const, tf.linalg.set_diag(
            delta_R_PFOs, tf.zeros_like(pt_const))**0.2, pt_const) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)**2

        output_data = {'pt_jet': pt_jet, 'eta_jet': eta_jet, 'N_PFO': N_PFO,
                       'W_PFO_jet': W_PFO_jet, 'C1_PFO_jet': C1_PFO_jet}
        return output_data

    def input_shape(self) -> int:
        """The input shape is just an integer `5`, number of variables."""
        return 5

class ConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, the PFO objects.
    These variables are used to train `jidenn.models.PFN.PFNModel`, `jidenn.models.EFN.EFNModel`, 
    `jidenn.models.Transformer.TransformerModel`, `jidenn.models.ParT.ParTModel`, `jidenn.models.DeParT.DeParTModel`.

    - log of the constituent transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}})$$
    - log of the constituent energy $$\\log(E)$$
    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        m_const = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_const**2 + m_const**2)
        jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        deltaEta = eta_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        deltaPhi = phi_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

        logPT = tf.math.log(pt_const)

        logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt_const / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet))
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))
        m = m_const
        # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
        return {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
        """The input shape is `(None, 8)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
        and `8` is the number of variables per constituent."""
        return (None, 8)

class InteractingRelativeConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, the PFO objects.
    It is the same as `ConstituentVariables` but containg only variables relative to the jet.
    These are used as alternative input to models mentioned in `ConstituentVariables`.

    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
            tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
        E_jet = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        px_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.cos(phi_jet)
        py_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.sin(phi_jet)
        pz_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.tanh(eta_jet)

        E = E / E_jet
        px = px / px_jet
        py = py / py_jet
        pz = pz / pz_jet
        pt = pt / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet)
        eta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        phi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)

        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

        z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

        m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(eta**2 + phi**2)

        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt)
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(E)
        # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
        vars = {'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                'm': m, 'deltaEta': eta, 'deltaPhi': phi, 'deltaR': deltaR}
        return vars, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        """The input shape is `(None, 6)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
        and `6` is the number of variables per constituent."""
        return (None, 6), (None, None, 4)

class InteractionConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, but on top of the
    `ConstituentVariables` it also includes the interaction variables, i.e. the variables characterizing the
    pair of constituents.
    These are used in the `jidenn.models.ParT.ParTModel`, `jidenn.models.DeParT.DeParTModel`.

    ###Constituent variables:
    - log of the constituent transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}})$$
    - log of the constituent energy $$\\log(E)$$
    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$
    ###Interaction variables:
    - log of the angular distance between the constituents $$\\log \\Delta  = \\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^b)^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^b)^2}$$
    - log of the kt variable $$\\log k_\\mathrm{T} = \\log \\mathrm{min}(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b) \\Delta $$
    - the fraction of carried transverse momentum of the softer constituent $$z = \\frac{\\mathrm{min}(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b)}{p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a + p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b}$$
    - the log of invariant mass $$\\log m^2 = \\log{(p^{\\mu, a} + p^{\\mu, b})^2}$$


    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
            tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

        z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

        m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt**2 + m**2)
        jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        deltaEta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        deltaPhi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

        logPT = tf.math.log(pt)

        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_jet))
        logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))

        const_vars = {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                      'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}

        return const_vars, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        """The input shape is a tuple of two tuples `(None, 8)` and `(None, None, 4)`, where the first tuple corresponds to the shape 
        of the variables for each constituent and the second tuple corresponds to the shape of a variable for each pair of constituents,
        i.e. a matrix for each jet."""
        return (None, 8), (None, None, 4)

def input_classes_lookup(class_name: Literal['highlevel',
                                             'interaction_constituents']) -> Type[TrainInput]:
    """Function to return the input class based on the class name.
    It is used to pick training class based on the config file.

        class_name (str): Name of the class to return. Options are: 'highlevel', 'highlevel_constituents', 'constituents', 'relative_constituents', 'interaction_constituents'

        ValueError: If the class name is not in the list of options.

        Type[TrainInput]: The class to use for training. **Not as instance**, but as class itself.

    lookup_dict = {'highlevel': HighLevelJetVariables,
                   'highlevel_constituents': HighLevelPFOVariables,
                   'constituents': ConstituentVariables,
                   'irelative_constituents': InteractingRelativeConstituentVariables,
                   'interaction_constituents': InteractionConstituentVariables,
                   'qr': QR,
                   'qr_interaction': QRInteraction}

    if class_name not in lookup_dict.keys():
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown input class name {class_name}')

    return lookup_dict[class_name]

__pdoc__ = {f'{local_class.__name__}.__call__':
            True for local_class in TrainInput.__subclasses__() + [TrainInput]}


def input_classes_lookup(class_name: Literal['highlevel', 'highlevel_constituents', 'constituents', 'relative_constituents', 'interaction_constituents']) ‑> Type[TrainInput]

Function to return the input class based on the class name. It is used to pick training class based on the config file.


class_name : str
Name of the class to return. Options are: 'highlevel', 'highlevel_constituents', 'constituents', 'relative_constituents', 'interaction_constituents'


If the class name is not in the list of options.


The class to use for training. Not as instance, but as class itself.
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def input_classes_lookup(class_name: Literal['highlevel',
                                             'interaction_constituents']) -> Type[TrainInput]:
    """Function to return the input class based on the class name.
    It is used to pick training class based on the config file.

        class_name (str): Name of the class to return. Options are: 'highlevel', 'highlevel_constituents', 'constituents', 'relative_constituents', 'interaction_constituents'

        ValueError: If the class name is not in the list of options.

        Type[TrainInput]: The class to use for training. **Not as instance**, but as class itself.

    lookup_dict = {'highlevel': HighLevelJetVariables,
                   'highlevel_constituents': HighLevelPFOVariables,
                   'constituents': ConstituentVariables,
                   'irelative_constituents': InteractingRelativeConstituentVariables,
                   'interaction_constituents': InteractionConstituentVariables,
                   'qr': QR,
                   'qr_interaction': QRInteraction}

    if class_name not in lookup_dict.keys():
        raise ValueError(f'Unknown input class name {class_name}')

    return lookup_dict[class_name]


class ConstituentVariables (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual jet constituents, the PFO objects. These variables are used to train PFNModel, EFNModel, TransformerModel, ParTModel, DeParTModel.


  • log of the constituent transverse momentum \log(p_{\mathrm{T}})
  • log of the constituent energy \log(E)
  • mass of the constituent m
  • log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy \log(E_{\mathrm{const}}/E_{\mathrm{jet}})
  • log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum \log(p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{const}}/p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{jet}})
  • difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity \Delta \eta = \eta^{\mathrm{const}} - \eta^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle \Delta \phi = \phi^{\mathrm{const}} - \phi^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • angular distance between the constituent and jet \Delta R = \sqrt{(\Delta \eta)^2 + (\Delta \phi)^2}
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class ConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, the PFO objects.
    These variables are used to train `jidenn.models.PFN.PFNModel`, `jidenn.models.EFN.EFNModel`, 
    `jidenn.models.Transformer.TransformerModel`, `jidenn.models.ParT.ParTModel`, `jidenn.models.DeParT.DeParTModel`.

    - log of the constituent transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}})$$
    - log of the constituent energy $$\\log(E)$$
    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        m_const = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_const**2 + m_const**2)
        jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        deltaEta = eta_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        deltaPhi = phi_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

        logPT = tf.math.log(pt_const)

        logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt_const / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet))
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))
        m = m_const
        # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
        return {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
        """The input shape is `(None, 8)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
        and `8` is the number of variables per constituent."""
        return (None, 8)


Instance variables

var input_shape : Tuple[None, int]

The input shape is (None, 8), where None indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, and 8 is the number of variables per constituent.

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
    """The input shape is `(None, 8)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
    and `8` is the number of variables per constituent."""
    return (None, 8)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    m_const = sample['jets_PFO_m']
    pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
    eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
    phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

    m_jet = sample['jets_m']
    pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
    eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
    phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

    PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_const**2 + m_const**2)
    jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
    deltaEta = eta_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
    deltaPhi = phi_const - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
    deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

    logPT = tf.math.log(pt_const)

    logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
    logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt_const / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet))
    logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))
    m = m_const
    # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
    return {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
            'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}
class HighLevelJetVariables (*args, **kwargs)

Constructs the input variables characterizing the whole jet. The variables are taken from the variable list on the input. These variables are used to train FCModel and HighwayModel.


variables : List[str], optional
List of available variables. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class HighLevelJetVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the **whole jet**. 
    The variables are taken from the `variable` list on the input.
    These variables are used to train `jidenn.models.FC.FCModel` and `jidenn.models.Highway.HighwayModel`.

        variables (List[str], optional): List of available variables. Defaults to None.


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        """Loops over the `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables` and constructs the input variables.

            sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.

            ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}` where `var_name` is from `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables`.

        return {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32) for var in self.variables}

    def input_shape(self) -> int:
        """The input shape is just an integer `len(self.variables)`."""
        return len(self.variables)


Instance variables

var input_shape : int

The input shape is just an integer len(self.variables).

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> int:
    """The input shape is just an integer `len(self.variables)`."""
    return len(self.variables)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]

Loops over the per_jet_variables and per_event_variables and constructs the input variables.


sample : ROOTVariables
The input sample.


The output variables of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor} where var_name is from per_jet_variables and per_event_variables.
Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    """Loops over the `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables` and constructs the input variables.

        sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.

        ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}` where `var_name` is from `per_jet_variables` and `per_event_variables`.

    return {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32) for var in self.variables}
class HighLevelPFOVariables (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Constructs the input variables characterizing the whole jet from the PFO objects. These are special variables constructed for the BDT model, bdt_model(), from PFO object (originaly only from tracks trk)


  • jet transverse momentum p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • jet psedo-rapidity \eta^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • number of PFOs N_{\mathrm {PFO}}=\sum_{\mathrm {PFO } \in \mathrm { jet }}
  • jet width $W_{\mathrm {PFO}}=\frac{\sum_{a \in \mathrm{jet}} p_{\mathrm{T}}^{a} \sqrt{(\eta^a - \eta^{\mathrm{jet}})^2 + (\phi^a - \phi^{\mathrm{jet}})^2}}{\sum_{a \in \mathrm{jet}} p_{\mathrm{T}}^{a}}
  • C variable C_1^{\beta=0.2}=\frac{\sum_{a, b \in \mathrm{jet}}^{a \neq b} p_{\mathrm{T}}^a p_{\mathrm{T}}^b \left(\sqrt{(\eta^a - \eta^b)^2 + (\phi^a - \phi^b)^2}\right)^{\beta=0.2}}{\left(\sum_{a \in \mathrm{jet}} p_{\mathrm{T}}^{a}\right)^2}
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class HighLevelPFOVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the **whole jet** from the PFO objects.
    These are special variables constructed for the BDT model, `jidenn.models.BDT.bdt_model`, from PFO object (originaly only from tracks trk)

    - jet transverse momentum $$p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - jet psedo-rapidity $$\\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - number of PFOs $$ N_{\\mathrm {PFO}}=\\sum_{\\mathrm {PFO } \\in \\mathrm { jet }} $$
    - jet width $$$W_{\\mathrm {PFO}}=\\frac{\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a} \\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}})^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}})^2}}{\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a}}$$
    - C variable $$C_1^{\\beta=0.2}=\\frac{\\sum_{a, b \\in \\mathrm{jet}}^{a \\neq b} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b \\left(\\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^b)^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^b)^2}\\right)^{\\beta=0.2}}{\\left(\\sum_{a \\in \\mathrm{jet}} p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{a}\\right)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        N_PFO = sample['jets_PFO_n']

        delta_R_PFO_jet = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta_jet - eta_const) +
                                       tf.math.square(phi_jet - phi_const))

        W_PFO_jet = tf.math.reduce_sum(
            pt_const * delta_R_PFO_jet, axis=-1) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)
        delta_R_PFOs = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(
            eta_const[:, tf.newaxis] - eta_const[tf.newaxis, :]) + tf.math.square(phi_const[:, tf.newaxis] - phi_const[tf.newaxis, :]))
        C1_PFO_jet = tf.einsum('i,ij,j', pt_const, tf.linalg.set_diag(
            delta_R_PFOs, tf.zeros_like(pt_const))**0.2, pt_const) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)**2

        output_data = {'pt_jet': pt_jet, 'eta_jet': eta_jet, 'N_PFO': N_PFO,
                       'W_PFO_jet': W_PFO_jet, 'C1_PFO_jet': C1_PFO_jet}
        return output_data

    def input_shape(self) -> int:
        """The input shape is just an integer `5`, number of variables."""
        return 5


Instance variables

var input_shape : int

The input shape is just an integer 5, number of variables.

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> int:
    """The input shape is just an integer `5`, number of variables."""
    return 5


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
    eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
    phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

    pt_const = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
    eta_const = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
    phi_const = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

    N_PFO = sample['jets_PFO_n']

    delta_R_PFO_jet = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta_jet - eta_const) +
                                   tf.math.square(phi_jet - phi_const))

    W_PFO_jet = tf.math.reduce_sum(
        pt_const * delta_R_PFO_jet, axis=-1) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)
    delta_R_PFOs = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(
        eta_const[:, tf.newaxis] - eta_const[tf.newaxis, :]) + tf.math.square(phi_const[:, tf.newaxis] - phi_const[tf.newaxis, :]))
    C1_PFO_jet = tf.einsum('i,ij,j', pt_const, tf.linalg.set_diag(
        delta_R_PFOs, tf.zeros_like(pt_const))**0.2, pt_const) / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_const, axis=-1)**2

    output_data = {'pt_jet': pt_jet, 'eta_jet': eta_jet, 'N_PFO': N_PFO,
                   'W_PFO_jet': W_PFO_jet, 'C1_PFO_jet': C1_PFO_jet}
    return output_data
class InteractingRelativeConstituentVariables (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual jet constituents, the PFO objects. It is the same as ConstituentVariables but containg only variables relative to the jet. These are used as alternative input to models mentioned in ConstituentVariables.


  • mass of the constituent m
  • log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy \log(E_{\mathrm{const}}/E_{\mathrm{jet}})
  • log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum \log(p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{const}}/p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{jet}})
  • difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity \Delta \eta = \eta^{\mathrm{const}} - \eta^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle \Delta \phi = \phi^{\mathrm{const}} - \phi^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • angular distance between the constituent and jet \Delta R = \sqrt{(\Delta \eta)^2 + (\Delta \phi)^2}
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class InteractingRelativeConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, the PFO objects.
    It is the same as `ConstituentVariables` but containg only variables relative to the jet.
    These are used as alternative input to models mentioned in `ConstituentVariables`.

    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
            tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
        E_jet = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        px_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.cos(phi_jet)
        py_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.sin(phi_jet)
        pz_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.tanh(eta_jet)

        E = E / E_jet
        px = px / px_jet
        py = py / py_jet
        pz = pz / pz_jet
        pt = pt / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet)
        eta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        phi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)

        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

        z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

        m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(eta**2 + phi**2)

        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt)
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(E)
        # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
        vars = {'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                'm': m, 'deltaEta': eta, 'deltaPhi': phi, 'deltaR': deltaR}
        return vars, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        """The input shape is `(None, 6)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
        and `6` is the number of variables per constituent."""
        return (None, 6), (None, None, 4)


Instance variables

var input_shape : Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]

The input shape is (None, 6), where None indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, and 6 is the number of variables per constituent.

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
    """The input shape is `(None, 6)`, where `None` indicates that the number of constituents is not fixed, 
    and `6` is the number of variables per constituent."""
    return (None, 6), (None, None, 4)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Tuple[Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]], Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
    m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
    pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
    eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
    phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

    m_jet = sample['jets_m']
    pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
    eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
    phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

    E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
        tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
    E_jet = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
    px_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.cos(phi_jet)
    py_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.sin(phi_jet)
    pz_jet = pt_jet * tf.math.tanh(eta_jet)

    E = E / E_jet
    px = px / px_jet
    py = py / py_jet
    pz = pz / pz_jet
    pt = pt / tf.math.reduce_mean(pt_jet)
    eta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
    phi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)

    delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                         tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
    delta = tf.math.log(delta)
    delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

    k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
    k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
    k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

    z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
        (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
    z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

    m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
    m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
    m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

    interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

    deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(eta**2 + phi**2)

    logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt)
    logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(E)
    # data = [logPT, logPT_PTjet, logE, logE_Ejet, m, deltaEta, deltaPhi, deltaR]
    vars = {'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
            'm': m, 'deltaEta': eta, 'deltaPhi': phi, 'deltaR': deltaR}
    return vars, interaction_vars
class InteractionConstituentVariables (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual jet constituents, but on top of the ConstituentVariables it also includes the interaction variables, i.e. the variables characterizing the pair of constituents. These are used in the ParTModel, DeParTModel.


Constituent variables:

  • log of the constituent transverse momentum \log(p_{\mathrm{T}})
  • log of the constituent energy \log(E)
  • mass of the constituent m
  • log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy \log(E_{\mathrm{const}}/E_{\mathrm{jet}})
  • log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum \log(p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{const}}/p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{jet}})
  • difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity \Delta \eta = \eta^{\mathrm{const}} - \eta^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle \Delta \phi = \phi^{\mathrm{const}} - \phi^{\mathrm{jet}}
  • angular distance between the constituent and jet \Delta R = \sqrt{(\Delta \eta)^2 + (\Delta \phi)^2}

Interaction variables:

  • log of the angular distance between the constituents \log \Delta = \sqrt{(\eta^a - \eta^b)^2 + (\phi^a - \phi^b)^2}
  • log of the kt variable \log k_\mathrm{T} = \log \mathrm{min}(p_{\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\mathrm{T}}^b) \Delta
  • the fraction of carried transverse momentum of the softer constituent z = \frac{\mathrm{min}(p_{\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\mathrm{T}}^b)}{p_{\mathrm{T}}^a + p_{\mathrm{T}}^b}
  • the log of invariant mass \log m^2 = \log{(p^{\mu, a} + p^{\mu, b})^2}
Expand source code
class InteractionConstituentVariables(TrainInput):
    """Constructs the input variables characterizing the individual **jet constituents**, but on top of the
    `ConstituentVariables` it also includes the interaction variables, i.e. the variables characterizing the
    pair of constituents.
    These are used in the `jidenn.models.ParT.ParTModel`, `jidenn.models.DeParT.DeParTModel`.

    ###Constituent variables:
    - log of the constituent transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}})$$
    - log of the constituent energy $$\\log(E)$$
    - mass of the constituent $$m$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent energy to the jet energy $$\\log(E_{\\mathrm{const}}/E_{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - log of the fraction of the constituent transverse momentum to the jet transverse momentum $$\\log(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{const}}/p_{\\mathrm{T}}^{\\mathrm{jet}})$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet pseudorapidity $$\\Delta \\eta = \\eta^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\eta^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - difference in the constituent and jet azimuthal angle $$\\Delta \\phi = \\phi^{\\mathrm{const}} - \\phi^{\\mathrm{jet}}$$
    - angular distance between the constituent and jet $$\\Delta R = \\sqrt{(\\Delta \\eta)^2 + (\\Delta \\phi)^2}$$
    ###Interaction variables:
    - log of the angular distance between the constituents $$\\log \\Delta  = \\sqrt{(\\eta^a - \\eta^b)^2 + (\\phi^a - \\phi^b)^2}$$
    - log of the kt variable $$\\log k_\\mathrm{T} = \\log \\mathrm{min}(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b) \\Delta $$
    - the fraction of carried transverse momentum of the softer constituent $$z = \\frac{\\mathrm{min}(p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a, p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b)}{p_{\\mathrm{T}}^a + p_{\\mathrm{T}}^b}$$
    - the log of invariant mass $$\\log m^2 = \\log{(p^{\\mu, a} + p^{\\mu, b})^2}$$


    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
        pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
        eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
        phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

        E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
            tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

        z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

        m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        m_jet = sample['jets_m']
        pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
        eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
        phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

        PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt**2 + m**2)
        jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
        deltaEta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
        deltaPhi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
        deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

        logPT = tf.math.log(pt)

        logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_jet))
        logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
        logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))

        const_vars = {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                      'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}

        return const_vars, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        """The input shape is a tuple of two tuples `(None, 8)` and `(None, None, 4)`, where the first tuple corresponds to the shape 
        of the variables for each constituent and the second tuple corresponds to the shape of a variable for each pair of constituents,
        i.e. a matrix for each jet."""
        return (None, 8), (None, None, 4)


Instance variables

var input_shape : Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]

The input shape is a tuple of two tuples (None, 8) and (None, None, 4), where the first tuple corresponds to the shape of the variables for each constituent and the second tuple corresponds to the shape of a variable for each pair of constituents, i.e. a matrix for each jet.

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
    """The input shape is a tuple of two tuples `(None, 8)` and `(None, None, 4)`, where the first tuple corresponds to the shape 
    of the variables for each constituent and the second tuple corresponds to the shape of a variable for each pair of constituents,
    i.e. a matrix for each jet."""
    return (None, 8), (None, None, 4)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Tuple[Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]], Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
    m = sample['jets_PFO_m']
    pt = sample['jets_PFO_pt']
    eta = sample['jets_PFO_eta']
    phi = sample['jets_PFO_phi']

    E, px, py, pz = tf.unstack(to_e_px_py_pz(
        tf.stack([m, pt, eta, phi], axis=-1)), axis=-1)
    delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(eta[:, tf.newaxis] - eta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                         tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
    delta = tf.math.log(delta)
    delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(m))

    k_t = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
    k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
    k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(m))

    z = tf.math.minimum(pt[:, tf.newaxis], pt[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
        (pt[:, tf.newaxis] + pt[tf.newaxis, :])
    z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(m))

    m2 = tf.math.square(E[:, tf.newaxis] + E[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
    m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(m))
    m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

    interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

    m_jet = sample['jets_m']
    pt_jet = sample['jets_pt']
    eta_jet = sample['jets_eta']
    phi_jet = sample['jets_phi']

    PFO_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt**2 + m**2)
    jet_E = tf.math.sqrt(pt_jet**2 + m_jet**2)
    deltaEta = eta - tf.math.reduce_mean(eta_jet)
    deltaPhi = phi - tf.math.reduce_mean(phi_jet)
    deltaR = tf.math.sqrt(deltaEta**2 + deltaPhi**2)

    logPT = tf.math.log(pt)

    logPT_PTjet = tf.math.log(pt / tf.math.reduce_sum(pt_jet))
    logE = tf.math.log(PFO_E)
    logE_Ejet = tf.math.log(PFO_E / tf.math.reduce_mean(jet_E))

    const_vars = {'log_pT': logPT, 'log_PT|PTjet': logPT_PTjet, 'log_E': logE, 'log_E|Ejet': logE_Ejet,
                  'm': m, 'deltaEta': deltaEta, 'deltaPhi': deltaPhi, 'deltaR': deltaR}

    return const_vars, interaction_vars
class QR (*args, **kwargs)

Base class for all train input classes. The TrainInput class is used to construct the input variables for the neural network. The class can be initialized with a list of available variables.

The instance is then passed to the map method of a object to use the TrainInput.__call__() method to construct the input variables. Optionally, the class can be put into a tf.function to speed up the preprocessing.


train_input = HighLevelJetVariables(variables=['jets_pt', 'jets_eta', 'jets_phi', 'jets_m'])
dataset =


variables : List[str], optional
List of available variables. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class QR(TrainInput):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
                for var in self.variables}
        px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
            'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
        p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
        phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
        theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

        data.update({'log_pt': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                    'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})
        return data

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
        """The input shape is tuple `(None, len(per_jet_tuple_variables))`."""
        return (None, len(self.variables))


Instance variables

var input_shape : Tuple[None, int]

The input shape is tuple (None, len(per_jet_tuple_variables)).

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[None, int]:
    """The input shape is tuple `(None, len(per_jet_tuple_variables))`."""
    return (None, len(self.variables))


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
            for var in self.variables}
    px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
        'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
    p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
    phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
    theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

    data.update({'log_pt': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})
    return data
class QRInteraction (*args, **kwargs)

Base class for all train input classes. The TrainInput class is used to construct the input variables for the neural network. The class can be initialized with a list of available variables.

The instance is then passed to the map method of a object to use the TrainInput.__call__() method to construct the input variables. Optionally, the class can be put into a tf.function to speed up the preprocessing.


train_input = HighLevelJetVariables(variables=['jets_pt', 'jets_eta', 'jets_phi', 'jets_m'])
dataset =


variables : List[str], optional
List of available variables. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class QRInteraction(TrainInput):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.variables is None:
            self.variables = [

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
        data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
                for var in self.variables}
        px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
            'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
        p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
        phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
        theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

        data.update({'log_norm_p': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                    'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})

        delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(theta[:, tf.newaxis] - theta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                             tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
        delta = tf.math.log(delta)
        delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(e))

        k_t = tf.math.minimum(
            p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
        k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
        k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(e))

        z = tf.math.minimum(p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
            (p_norm[:, tf.newaxis] + p_norm[tf.newaxis, :])
        z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(e))

        m2 = tf.math.square(e[:, tf.newaxis] + e[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
            tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
        m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(e))
        m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

        interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

        return data, interaction_vars

    def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
        return (None, len(self.variables)), (None, None, 4)


Instance variables

var input_shape : Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.input_shape

The shape of the input variables. This is used to define the input layer size of the neural network. The None values are used for ragged …

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]:
    return (None, len(self.variables)), (None, None, 4)


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Tuple[Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]], Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]]

Inherited from: TrainInput.__call__

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a …

Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]:
    data = {var: tf.cast(sample[var], tf.float32)
            for var in self.variables}
    px, py, pz, e = data.pop('px_c'), data.pop(
        'py_c'), data.pop('pz_c'), data.pop('E')
    p_norm = tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py, pz], axis=1), axis=1)
    phi = tf.math.atan2(py, px)
    theta = tf.math.atan2(tf.norm(tf.stack([px, py], axis=1), axis=1), pz)

    data.update({'log_norm_p': tf.math.log(p_norm), 'theta': theta,
                'phi': phi, 'log_e': tf.math.log(e)})

    delta = tf.math.sqrt(tf.math.square(theta[:, tf.newaxis] - theta[tf.newaxis, :]) +
                         tf.math.square(phi[:, tf.newaxis] - phi[tf.newaxis, :]))
    delta = tf.math.log(delta)
    delta = tf.linalg.set_diag(delta, tf.zeros_like(e))

    k_t = tf.math.minimum(
        p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) * delta
    k_t = tf.math.log(k_t)
    k_t = tf.linalg.set_diag(k_t, tf.zeros_like(e))

    z = tf.math.minimum(p_norm[:, tf.newaxis], p_norm[tf.newaxis, :]) / \
        (p_norm[:, tf.newaxis] + p_norm[tf.newaxis, :])
    z = tf.linalg.set_diag(z, tf.zeros_like(e))

    m2 = tf.math.square(e[:, tf.newaxis] + e[tf.newaxis, :]) - tf.math.square(px[:, tf.newaxis] + px[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(py[:, tf.newaxis] + py[tf.newaxis, :]) - \
        tf.math.square(pz[:, tf.newaxis] + pz[tf.newaxis, :])
    m2 = tf.linalg.set_diag(m2, tf.zeros_like(e))
    m2 = tf.math.log(m2)

    interaction_vars = {'delta': delta, 'k_t': k_t, 'z': z, 'm2': m2}

    return data, interaction_vars
class TrainInput (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Base class for all train input classes. The TrainInput class is used to construct the input variables for the neural network. The class can be initialized with a list of available variables.

The instance is then passed to the map method of a object to use the TrainInput.__call__() method to construct the input variables. Optionally, the class can be put into a tf.function to speed up the preprocessing.


train_input = HighLevelJetVariables(variables=['jets_pt', 'jets_eta', 'jets_phi', 'jets_m'])
dataset =


variables : List[str], optional
List of available variables. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class TrainInput(ABC):
    """Base class for all train input classes. The `TrainInput` class is used to **construct the input variables** for the neural network.
    The class can be initialized with a list of available variables. 

    The instance is then passed to the `map` method of a `` object to use the `TrainInput.__call__` method to construct the input variables.
    Optionally, the class can be put into a `tf.function` to speed up the preprocessing.

    train_input = HighLevelJetVariables(variables=['jets_pt', 'jets_eta', 'jets_phi', 'jets_m'])
    dataset =

        variables (List[str], optional): List of available variables. Defaults to None.


    def __init__(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None):
        self.variables = variables

    def input_shape(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[None, int], Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]]:
        """The shape of the input variables. This is used to **define the input layer size** of the neural network.
        The `None` values are used for ragged dimensions., eg. `(None, 4)` for a variable number of jet consitutents with 4 variables per consitutent.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        """Constructs the input variables from the `ROOTVariables` object. 
        The output is a dictionary of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`, i.e. a `ROOTVariables` type.

            sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.    

            ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`.

        raise NotImplementedError


  • abc.ABC


Instance variables

var input_shape : Union[int, Tuple[None, int], Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]]

The shape of the input variables. This is used to define the input layer size of the neural network. The None values are used for ragged dimensions., eg. (None, 4) for a variable number of jet consitutents with 4 variables per consitutent.

Expand source code
def input_shape(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[None, int], Tuple[Tuple[None, int], Tuple[None, None, int]]]:
    """The shape of the input variables. This is used to **define the input layer size** of the neural network.
    The `None` values are used for ragged dimensions., eg. `(None, 4)` for a variable number of jet consitutents with 4 variables per consitutent.
    raise NotImplementedError


def __call__(self, sample: Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]) ‑> Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]]

Constructs the input variables from the ROOTVariables object. The output is a dictionary of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}, i.e. a ROOTVariables type.


sample : ROOTVariables
The input sample.


The output variables of the form {'var_name': tf.Tensor}.
Expand source code
def __call__(self, sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    """Constructs the input variables from the `ROOTVariables` object. 
    The output is a dictionary of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`, i.e. a `ROOTVariables` type.

        sample (ROOTVariables): The input sample.    

        ROOTVariables: The output variables of the form `{'var_name': tf.Tensor}`.

    raise NotImplementedError