
Module containing the JIDENNDataset dataclass that is a wrapper for a TensorFlow dataset that allows for easy adding and processing of dataset files. It contains all the necessary tools to perform a preprocessing of the jet dataset for training.

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Module containing the `JIDENNDataset` dataclass that is a wrapper for a TensorFlow dataset that allows for easy adding and processing of dataset files.
It contains all the necessary tools to perform a preprocessing of the jet dataset for training. 
from __future__ import annotations
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union, Literal, Callable, Dict, Tuple, List, Optional, Any
import os
import pickle
import jidenn.config.config as config
from import Cut, Expression
from jidenn.evaluation.plotter import plot_data_distributions

ROOTVariables = Dict[str, Union[tf.RaggedTensor, tf.Tensor]]
"""Type alias for a dictionary of ROOT variables. The keys are the variable  names and the values are the corresponding 
Tensorflow `tf.RaggedTensor` or `tf.Tensor`.

variables = {
    'jets_pt': tf.RaggedTensor([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3]], dtype=tf.float32),
    'eventNumber': tf.Tensor([1, 2], dtype=tf.int32),

def dict_to_stacked_array(data: Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], label: int, weight: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]], int, Union[float, None]]:
    """Converts a `ROOTVariables` to a input for training a neural network, i.e. a tuple `(input, label, weight)`.
    The `input` is construsted by **stacking all the variables**  in `data` `ROOTVariables` dictionary into a single `tf.Tensor`.

    Optionally, the input data can be a tuple of two ROOTVariables. The output has the form `((input1, input2), label, weight)`.
    The `input2` is constructed by **stacking all the variables** in the second `ROOTVariables` dictionary into a single `tf.Tensor`.

        data (ROOTVariables or tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]): The input data.
        label (int): The label.
        weight (float, optional): The weight. Defaults to `None`.

        A tuple `(input, label, weight)` where `data` is a  `tf.Tensor` or a tuple `((input1, input2), label, weight)`
        in case `data` is a tuple of two ROOTVariables where `input1` and `input2` are `tf.Tensor`s.
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        interaction = tf.stack([data[1][var] for var in data[1]], axis=-1)
        interaction = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(tf.math.is_inf(interaction), tf.math.is_nan(interaction)),
                               tf.zeros_like(interaction), interaction)
        if weight is None:
            return (tf.stack([data[0][var] for var in data[0]], axis=-1), interaction), label
        return (tf.stack([data[0][var] for var in data[0]], axis=-1), interaction), label, weight
        if weight is None:
            return tf.stack([data[var] for var in data.keys()], axis=-1), label
        return tf.stack([data[var] for var in data.keys()], axis=-1), label, weight

class JIDENNDataset:
    """The JIDENNDataset dataclass is a wrapper for a TensorFlow dataset that allows for easy loading and processing of dataset files 
    for jet identifiation using deep neural networks (**JIDENN**). The `` is constructed from a `` 
    consisting of `ROOTVariables` dictionaries. 

    The dataset can be loaded from a file using the `load_dataset` method or set manually using the `set_dataset` method.
    Both methods require the `element_spec` either in a pickled file in the case of loading, or as dictionary of `tf.TensorSpec` 
    or `tf.RaggedTensorSpec`  object in the case of setting the dataset manually.

    Typical usage of the `JIDENNDataset` dataclass is as follows:
    import tensorflow as tf
    from jidenn.config.config_subclasses import Variables
    from .utils.Cut import Cut

    def count_PFO(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        sample = sample.copy()
        sample['jets_PFO_n'] = tf.reduce_sum(tf.ones_like(sample['jets_PFO_pt']))
        return sample

    def train_input(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        output = {
            'N_PFO': sample['jets_PFO_n'],
            'pt': sample['jets_pt'],
            'width': sample['jets_Width'],
            'EMFrac': sample['jets_EMFrac'],
            'mu': sample['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]']
        return output

    variables = ['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]', 'jets_pt', 'jets_Width', 'jets_EMFrac','jets_PFO_pt']

    jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=variables,
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.load_dataset('path/to/dataset')

    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_variables(cut=Cut('jets_pt > 10_000'), map_dataset=count_PFO)
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.resample_dataset(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32), [0.5, 0.5])
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.remap_labels(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32))
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_train_input(train_input)
    dataset = jidenn_dataset.get_prepared_dataset(batch_size=128, 
                                                  assert_length=True), epochs=10)

        variables (List[str]): The list of variables to be used in the dataset.
        target (str, optional): The name of the target variable. Defaults to `None`.
        weight (str, optional): The name of the weight variable. Defaults to `None`.

    variables: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The configuration dataclass of the variables to be used in the dataset. 
        If `None`, the variables are set automatically during loading with JIDENNDataset.load()."""
    target: Optional[str] = None
    """The name of the target variable. `None` if no target variable is used."""
    weight: Optional[str] = None
    """The name of the weight variable. `None` if no weight variable is used."""

    def __post_init__(self):
        self._dataset = None
        self._element_spec = None

    def load_dataset(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.    
        Alternatively, the `element_spec` can be loaded manually using the `load_element_spec` method.

            file (str): The path to the dataset directory.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

        if self.element_spec is None:
            element_spec_file = os.path.join(file, 'element_spec')
            jidenn_dataset = self.load_element_spec(element_spec_file)
            jidenn_dataset = self
        dataset =
            file, compression='GZIP', element_spec=jidenn_dataset.element_spec)
        return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)

    def load(path: str, element_spec_path: Optional[str] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The assumed dataset elements are `ROOTVariables` dictionaries or a tuple of `ROOTVariables`, `label` and `weight`.

            path (str): The path to the dataset directory.
            element_spec_path (str, optional): The path to the `element_spec` file. Defaults to `None`. 
                If `None`, the `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.

            ValueError: If the `element_spec` is not a dictionary or a tuple whose first element is a dictionary.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

        if element_spec_path is None:
            element_spec_path = os.path.join(path, 'element_spec')
        with open(element_spec_path, 'rb') as f:
            element_spec = pickle.load(f)

        if isinstance(element_spec, dict):
            variables = list(element_spec.keys())

        elif isinstance(element_spec[0], dict):
            variables = list(element_spec[0].keys())

            raise ValueError('Element spec is not a dictionary.')

        return JIDENNDataset(variables=variables).load_dataset(path)

    def save_dataset(self, file: str, num_shards: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Saves the dataset to a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The `element_spec` is stored in the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.
        Tensorflow saves the `element_spec.pb` automatically, but manual save is required 
        for further processing of the dataset.  Ternsorflow file has the `.pb` extension.

            file (str): The path to the dataset directory.
            num_shards (int, optional): The number of shards to split the dataset into. Defaults to `None`. The sharding is done uniformly into `num_shards` files.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.


        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def random_shards(_) -> tf.Tensor:
            return tf.random.uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_shards, dtype=tf.int64), compression='GZIP',
                          shard_func=random_shards if num_shards is not None else None)
        with open(os.path.join(file, 'element_spec'), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.dataset.element_spec, f)

    def load_element_spec(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads the `element_spec` from a file. The `element_spec` is a pickled dictionary of `tf.TensorSpec` or `tf.RaggedTensorSpec` objects.

            file (str): The path to the `element_spec` file.
            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `element_spec` set.
        with open(file, 'rb') as f:
            element_spec = pickle.load(f)
        return self._set_element_spec(element_spec)

    def create_variables(self, cut: Optional[Cut] = None, map_dataset: Optional[Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Creates a '' from selected variables and creates labels and weights.
        The variables are selected according to the `variables` loaded from config.
        the `target` and `weight` class variables are used to create labels and weights from the `ROOTVariables`.

        Optionally, a `Cut` can be applied to the dataset. It is done **before** the variables are selected.
        The `map_dataset` function can be used to apply a function to the dataset before the variables are selected.
        It could be used to create new variables from the existing ones.

            cut (, optional): The `Cut` object to be applied to the dataset. Defaults to `None`. 
            map_dataset (Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables], optional): The function to be applied to the dataset using ``. Defaults to `None`.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the signature of `(ROOTVariables, label, weight)`.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if map_dataset is not None:
            dataset =
            dataset = self.dataset

        dataset = dataset.filter(cut) if cut is not None else dataset
        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def remap_labels(self, label_mapping: Callable[[int], int]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Remaps the labels in the dataset using the `label_mapping` function.
        Should be used after the `create_variables` method. 

            label_mapping (Callable[[int], int]): The function that maps the labels.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.
            ValueError: If the `target` is not set.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the `label` is remapped.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if is None:
            raise ValueError('Target not set yet.')

        if self.weight is not None:
            def remap_label(x, y, w):
                return x, label_mapping(y), w
            def remap_label(x, y):
                return x, label_mapping(y)

        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def dataset(self) -> Union[, None]:
        """The `` object or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
        return self._dataset

    def element_spec(self) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]], None]:
        """The `element_spec` of the dataset or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
        return self._element_spec

    def _set_element_spec(self, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        self._element_spec = element_spec
        self._dataset = self.dataset
        return jidenn_dataset

    def _set_dataset(self, dataset: Union[, None]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        jidenn_dataset._dataset = dataset
        jidenn_dataset._element_spec = dataset.element_spec
        return jidenn_dataset

    def set_dataset(self, dataset:, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Sets the `` object and the `element_spec` of the dataset.

            dataset ( The `` object consisting of `ROOTVariables`.
            element_spec (Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]): The `element_spec` of the dataset.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `dataset` and `element_spec` set.
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        jidenn_dataset._dataset = dataset
        jidenn_dataset._element_spec = element_spec
        return jidenn_dataset

    def _var_picker(self):
        def _pick_variables(sample: ROOTVariables) -> Union[Tuple[ROOTVariables, tf.RaggedTensor, tf.RaggedTensor], ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, tf.RaggedTensor]]:

            new_sample = {var: Expression(var)(sample)
                          for var in self.variables}

            if is None:
                return new_sample
            if self.weight is None:
                return new_sample, Expression(
                return new_sample, Expression(, Expression(self.weight)(sample)
        return _pick_variables

    def resample_dataset(self, resampling_func: Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int], target_dist: List[float]):
        """Resamples the dataset using the `resampling_func` function. The function computes the bin index for each sample in the dataset. 
        The dataset is then resampled to match the `target_dist` distribution. Be careful that this may **slow down the training process**,
        if the target distribution is very different from the original one as the dataset is resampled on the fly and is waiting 
        for the appropriate sample to be drawn.

            resampling_func (Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int]): Function that bins the data. It must return an integer between 0 and `len(target_dist) - 1`.
            target_dist (List[float]): The target distribution of the resampled dataset.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the dataset is resampled.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def _data_only(x, data):
            return data
        dataset = self.dataset.rejection_resample(
            resampling_func, target_dist=target_dist).map(_data_only)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def combine(datasets: List[JIDENNDataset], weights: List[float]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Combines multiple datasets into one dataset. The samples are interleaved and the weights are used to sample from the datasets.

            datasets (List[JIDENNDataset]): List of datasets to combined. All `JIDENNDataset.dataset`s must be set and have the same `element_spec`.
            weights (List[float]): List of weights for each dataset. The weights are used to sample from the datasets.

            JIDENNDataset: Combined `JIDENNDataset` object.
        dataset =
            [dataset.dataset for dataset in datasets], weights=weights)
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(
            datasets[0].variables, datasets[0].target, datasets[0].weight)
        return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)

    def apply(self, func: Callable[[],]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Applies a function to the dataset.

            func (Callable[[],]): Function to apply to the dataset.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset modified by the function.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        dataset = func(self.dataset)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def create_train_input(self, func: Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Creates a training input from the dataset using the `func` function. The function must take a `ROOTVariables` object and return a `ROOTVariables` object.
        The output of the function is of the form Dict[str, tf.Tensor] or Tuple[Dict[str, tf.Tensor], Dict[str, tf.Tensor]] (optionally aslo tf.RaggedTensor).

            func (Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]): Function to apply to the data to create the training input.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object  with signature `((ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables), ...)` or `(ROOTVariables, ...)`.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def input_wrapper(data, label, w=None):
            return func(data), label
        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def to_pandas(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Converts the dataset to a pandas DataFrame. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
        The function uses `tensorflow_datasets.as_dataframe` to convert the dataset to a pandas DataFrame, so 
        the `tensorflow_datasets` package must be installed.

        Be careful that this function may take a **long time to run**, depending on the size of the dataset.
        Consider taking only a subset of the dataset before converting it to a pandas DataFrame.
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(...) 
        jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.apply(lambda dataset: dataset.take(1_000))
        df = jidenn_dataset.to_pandas()

        If the dataset contains nested tuples consider using `` 
        on the tuple columns of the convereted dataframe.

            variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to convert to a pandas DataFrame. If `None`, all variables are converted. Defaults to `None`.

            ImportError: If `tensorflow_datasets` is not installed.
            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            pd.DataFrame: The `` converted to a pandas `pd.DataFrame`.

            import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                'Please install tensorflow_datasets to use this function. Use `pip install tensorflow_datasets`.')
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        if isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
                if isinstance(data, tuple):
                    data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
                data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
                return data

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is not None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
                if isinstance(data, tuple):
                    data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
                data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
                return {k: data[k] for k in variables + ['label', 'weight']}

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is not None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data):
                return {k: data[k] for k in variables}

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data):
                return data

            raise ValueError('The dataset must be a tuple or a dict.')

        dataset =
        df = tfds.as_dataframe(dataset)
        df = df.rename(lambda x: x.replace('/', '.'), axis='columns')
        return df

    def filter(self, filter: Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Filters the dataset using the `filter` function. 

            filter (Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]): Function to apply to the data.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset filtered.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        dataset = self.dataset.filter(filter)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def get_prepared_dataset(self,
                             batch_size: int,
                             assert_length: bool = False,
                             shuffle_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None,
                             take: Optional[int] = None,
                             map_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]]] = None) ->
        """Returns a prepared dataset for training. The dataset is prepared by stacking the arrays in the `ROOTVariables` in the dataset using `dict_to_stacked_array`.
        The dataset is also batched, shuffled, shortend (using `take`) and mapped using the `map_func` function. The function is applied before the input is stacked.

        **Train input must be created with `JIDENNDataset.create_train_input` before calling this method.**  

        The assertion allows displaying the estimated epoch time during training. The assertion is only performed if `take` is set.

            batch_size (int): Batch size of the dataset.
            assert_length (bool, optional): If `True`, the dataset is asserted to have the `take` length. It is only used if 'take' is set. Defaults to False.
            shuffle_buffer_size (int, optional): Size of the shuffle buffer. If `None`, the dataset is not shuffled. Defaults to None.
            take (int, optional): Number of elements to take from the dataset. If `None`, the dataset is not taken. Defaults to None.
            map_func (Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]], optional): Function to apply to the dataset. Defaults to None.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

   The prepared dataset.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if map_func is not None:
            dataset =
            dataset =
        dataset = dataset.shuffle(
            shuffle_buffer_size) if shuffle_buffer_size is not None else dataset
        if take is not None:
            dataset = dataset.take(take)
            dataset = dataset.apply(
                take)) if assert_length else dataset
        dataset = dataset.apply(
        # dataset = dataset.ragged_batch(batch_size)
        dataset = dataset.prefetch(
        return dataset

    def plot_data_distributions(self,
                                folder: str,
                                variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                                hue_variable: Optional[str] = None,
                                named_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None,
                                xlabel_mapper: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None:
        """Plots the data distributions of the dataset. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
        The function uses `jidenn.evaluation.plotter.plot_data_distributions` to plot the data distributions.

            folder (str): The path to the directory where the plots are saved.
            variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to plot. If `None`, all variables are plotted. Defaults to `None`.
            named_labels (Dict[int, str], optional): Dictionary mapping truth values to custom labels.
                If not provided, the truth values will be used as labels. 

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        df = self.to_pandas(variables)
        plot_data_distributions(df, folder=folder, named_labels=named_labels,
                                xlabel_mapper=xlabel_mapper, hue_variable=hue_variable)

Global variables

var ROOTVariables

Type alias for a dictionary of ROOT variables. The keys are the variable names and the values are the corresponding Tensorflow tf.RaggedTensor or tf.Tensor.


variables = {
    'jets_pt': tf.RaggedTensor([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3]], dtype=tf.float32),
    'eventNumber': tf.Tensor([1, 2], dtype=tf.int32),


def dict_to_stacked_array(data: Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariablesROOTVariables]], label: int, weight: Optional[float] = None) ‑> Tuple[Union[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, Tuple[tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor]], int, Optional[float]]

Converts a ROOTVariables to a input for training a neural network, i.e. a tuple (input, label, weight). The input is construsted by stacking all the variables in data ROOTVariables dictionary into a single tf.Tensor.

Optionally, the input data can be a tuple of two ROOTVariables. The output has the form ((input1, input2), label, weight). The input2 is constructed by stacking all the variables in the second ROOTVariables dictionary into a single tf.Tensor.


data : ROOTVariables or tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]
The input data.
label : int
The label.
weight : float, optional
The weight. Defaults to None.


A tuple (input, label, weight) where data is a tf.Tensor or a tuple ((input1, input2), label, weight) in case data is a tuple of two ROOTVariables where input1 and input2 are tf.Tensors.

Expand source code
def dict_to_stacked_array(data: Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], label: int, weight: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]], int, Union[float, None]]:
    """Converts a `ROOTVariables` to a input for training a neural network, i.e. a tuple `(input, label, weight)`.
    The `input` is construsted by **stacking all the variables**  in `data` `ROOTVariables` dictionary into a single `tf.Tensor`.

    Optionally, the input data can be a tuple of two ROOTVariables. The output has the form `((input1, input2), label, weight)`.
    The `input2` is constructed by **stacking all the variables** in the second `ROOTVariables` dictionary into a single `tf.Tensor`.

        data (ROOTVariables or tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]): The input data.
        label (int): The label.
        weight (float, optional): The weight. Defaults to `None`.

        A tuple `(input, label, weight)` where `data` is a  `tf.Tensor` or a tuple `((input1, input2), label, weight)`
        in case `data` is a tuple of two ROOTVariables where `input1` and `input2` are `tf.Tensor`s.
    if isinstance(data, tuple):
        interaction = tf.stack([data[1][var] for var in data[1]], axis=-1)
        interaction = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(tf.math.is_inf(interaction), tf.math.is_nan(interaction)),
                               tf.zeros_like(interaction), interaction)
        if weight is None:
            return (tf.stack([data[0][var] for var in data[0]], axis=-1), interaction), label
        return (tf.stack([data[0][var] for var in data[0]], axis=-1), interaction), label, weight
        if weight is None:
            return tf.stack([data[var] for var in data.keys()], axis=-1), label
        return tf.stack([data[var] for var in data.keys()], axis=-1), label, weight


class JIDENNDataset (variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, weight: Optional[str] = None)

The JIDENNDataset dataclass is a wrapper for a TensorFlow dataset that allows for easy loading and processing of dataset files for jet identifiation using deep neural networks (JIDENN). The is constructed from a consisting of ROOTVariables dictionaries.

The dataset can be loaded from a file using the load_dataset method or set manually using the set_dataset method. Both methods require the element_spec either in a pickled file in the case of loading, or as dictionary of tf.TensorSpec or tf.RaggedTensorSpec object in the case of setting the dataset manually.

Example: Typical usage of the JIDENNDataset dataclass is as follows:

import tensorflow as tf
from jidenn.config.config_subclasses import Variables
from .utils.Cut import Cut

def count_PFO(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    sample = sample.copy()
    sample['jets_PFO_n'] = tf.reduce_sum(tf.ones_like(sample['jets_PFO_pt']))
    return sample

def train_input(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
    output = {
        'N_PFO': sample['jets_PFO_n'],
        'pt': sample['jets_pt'],
        'width': sample['jets_Width'],
        'EMFrac': sample['jets_EMFrac'],
        'mu': sample['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]']
    return output

variables = ['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]', 'jets_pt', 'jets_Width', 'jets_EMFrac','jets_PFO_pt']

jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=variables,
jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.load_dataset('path/to/dataset')

jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_variables(cut=Cut('jets_pt > 10_000'), map_dataset=count_PFO)
jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.resample_dataset(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32), [0.5, 0.5])
jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.remap_labels(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32))
jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_train_input(train_input)
dataset = jidenn_dataset.get_prepared_dataset(batch_size=128, 
                                              assert_length=True), epochs=10)


variables : List[str]
The list of variables to be used in the dataset.
target : str, optional
The name of the target variable. Defaults to None.
weight : str, optional
The name of the weight variable. Defaults to None.
Expand source code
class JIDENNDataset:
    """The JIDENNDataset dataclass is a wrapper for a TensorFlow dataset that allows for easy loading and processing of dataset files 
    for jet identifiation using deep neural networks (**JIDENN**). The `` is constructed from a `` 
    consisting of `ROOTVariables` dictionaries. 

    The dataset can be loaded from a file using the `load_dataset` method or set manually using the `set_dataset` method.
    Both methods require the `element_spec` either in a pickled file in the case of loading, or as dictionary of `tf.TensorSpec` 
    or `tf.RaggedTensorSpec`  object in the case of setting the dataset manually.

    Typical usage of the `JIDENNDataset` dataclass is as follows:
    import tensorflow as tf
    from jidenn.config.config_subclasses import Variables
    from .utils.Cut import Cut

    def count_PFO(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        sample = sample.copy()
        sample['jets_PFO_n'] = tf.reduce_sum(tf.ones_like(sample['jets_PFO_pt']))
        return sample

    def train_input(sample: ROOTVariables) -> ROOTVariables:
        output = {
            'N_PFO': sample['jets_PFO_n'],
            'pt': sample['jets_pt'],
            'width': sample['jets_Width'],
            'EMFrac': sample['jets_EMFrac'],
            'mu': sample['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]']
        return output

    variables = ['corrected_averageInteractionsPerCrossing[0]', 'jets_pt', 'jets_Width', 'jets_EMFrac','jets_PFO_pt']

    jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=variables,
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.load_dataset('path/to/dataset')

    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_variables(cut=Cut('jets_pt > 10_000'), map_dataset=count_PFO)
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.resample_dataset(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32), [0.5, 0.5])
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.remap_labels(lambda data, label: tf.cast(tf.greater(label, 0), tf.int32))
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.create_train_input(train_input)
    dataset = jidenn_dataset.get_prepared_dataset(batch_size=128, 
                                                  assert_length=True), epochs=10)

        variables (List[str]): The list of variables to be used in the dataset.
        target (str, optional): The name of the target variable. Defaults to `None`.
        weight (str, optional): The name of the weight variable. Defaults to `None`.

    variables: Optional[List[str]] = None
    """The configuration dataclass of the variables to be used in the dataset. 
        If `None`, the variables are set automatically during loading with JIDENNDataset.load()."""
    target: Optional[str] = None
    """The name of the target variable. `None` if no target variable is used."""
    weight: Optional[str] = None
    """The name of the weight variable. `None` if no weight variable is used."""

    def __post_init__(self):
        self._dataset = None
        self._element_spec = None

    def load_dataset(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.    
        Alternatively, the `element_spec` can be loaded manually using the `load_element_spec` method.

            file (str): The path to the dataset directory.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

        if self.element_spec is None:
            element_spec_file = os.path.join(file, 'element_spec')
            jidenn_dataset = self.load_element_spec(element_spec_file)
            jidenn_dataset = self
        dataset =
            file, compression='GZIP', element_spec=jidenn_dataset.element_spec)
        return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)

    def load(path: str, element_spec_path: Optional[str] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The assumed dataset elements are `ROOTVariables` dictionaries or a tuple of `ROOTVariables`, `label` and `weight`.

            path (str): The path to the dataset directory.
            element_spec_path (str, optional): The path to the `element_spec` file. Defaults to `None`. 
                If `None`, the `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.

            ValueError: If the `element_spec` is not a dictionary or a tuple whose first element is a dictionary.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

        if element_spec_path is None:
            element_spec_path = os.path.join(path, 'element_spec')
        with open(element_spec_path, 'rb') as f:
            element_spec = pickle.load(f)

        if isinstance(element_spec, dict):
            variables = list(element_spec.keys())

        elif isinstance(element_spec[0], dict):
            variables = list(element_spec[0].keys())

            raise ValueError('Element spec is not a dictionary.')

        return JIDENNDataset(variables=variables).load_dataset(path)

    def save_dataset(self, file: str, num_shards: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        """Saves the dataset to a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
        The `element_spec` is stored in the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.
        Tensorflow saves the `element_spec.pb` automatically, but manual save is required 
        for further processing of the dataset.  Ternsorflow file has the `.pb` extension.

            file (str): The path to the dataset directory.
            num_shards (int, optional): The number of shards to split the dataset into. Defaults to `None`. The sharding is done uniformly into `num_shards` files.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.


        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def random_shards(_) -> tf.Tensor:
            return tf.random.uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_shards, dtype=tf.int64), compression='GZIP',
                          shard_func=random_shards if num_shards is not None else None)
        with open(os.path.join(file, 'element_spec'), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.dataset.element_spec, f)

    def load_element_spec(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Loads the `element_spec` from a file. The `element_spec` is a pickled dictionary of `tf.TensorSpec` or `tf.RaggedTensorSpec` objects.

            file (str): The path to the `element_spec` file.
            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `element_spec` set.
        with open(file, 'rb') as f:
            element_spec = pickle.load(f)
        return self._set_element_spec(element_spec)

    def create_variables(self, cut: Optional[Cut] = None, map_dataset: Optional[Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Creates a '' from selected variables and creates labels and weights.
        The variables are selected according to the `variables` loaded from config.
        the `target` and `weight` class variables are used to create labels and weights from the `ROOTVariables`.

        Optionally, a `Cut` can be applied to the dataset. It is done **before** the variables are selected.
        The `map_dataset` function can be used to apply a function to the dataset before the variables are selected.
        It could be used to create new variables from the existing ones.

            cut (, optional): The `Cut` object to be applied to the dataset. Defaults to `None`. 
            map_dataset (Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables], optional): The function to be applied to the dataset using ``. Defaults to `None`.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the signature of `(ROOTVariables, label, weight)`.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if map_dataset is not None:
            dataset =
            dataset = self.dataset

        dataset = dataset.filter(cut) if cut is not None else dataset
        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def remap_labels(self, label_mapping: Callable[[int], int]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Remaps the labels in the dataset using the `label_mapping` function.
        Should be used after the `create_variables` method. 

            label_mapping (Callable[[int], int]): The function that maps the labels.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.
            ValueError: If the `target` is not set.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the `label` is remapped.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if is None:
            raise ValueError('Target not set yet.')

        if self.weight is not None:
            def remap_label(x, y, w):
                return x, label_mapping(y), w
            def remap_label(x, y):
                return x, label_mapping(y)

        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def dataset(self) -> Union[, None]:
        """The `` object or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
        return self._dataset

    def element_spec(self) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]], None]:
        """The `element_spec` of the dataset or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
        return self._element_spec

    def _set_element_spec(self, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        self._element_spec = element_spec
        self._dataset = self.dataset
        return jidenn_dataset

    def _set_dataset(self, dataset: Union[, None]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        jidenn_dataset._dataset = dataset
        jidenn_dataset._element_spec = dataset.element_spec
        return jidenn_dataset

    def set_dataset(self, dataset:, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Sets the `` object and the `element_spec` of the dataset.

            dataset ( The `` object consisting of `ROOTVariables`.
            element_spec (Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]): The `element_spec` of the dataset.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `dataset` and `element_spec` set.
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
        jidenn_dataset._dataset = dataset
        jidenn_dataset._element_spec = element_spec
        return jidenn_dataset

    def _var_picker(self):
        def _pick_variables(sample: ROOTVariables) -> Union[Tuple[ROOTVariables, tf.RaggedTensor, tf.RaggedTensor], ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, tf.RaggedTensor]]:

            new_sample = {var: Expression(var)(sample)
                          for var in self.variables}

            if is None:
                return new_sample
            if self.weight is None:
                return new_sample, Expression(
                return new_sample, Expression(, Expression(self.weight)(sample)
        return _pick_variables

    def resample_dataset(self, resampling_func: Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int], target_dist: List[float]):
        """Resamples the dataset using the `resampling_func` function. The function computes the bin index for each sample in the dataset. 
        The dataset is then resampled to match the `target_dist` distribution. Be careful that this may **slow down the training process**,
        if the target distribution is very different from the original one as the dataset is resampled on the fly and is waiting 
        for the appropriate sample to be drawn.

            resampling_func (Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int]): Function that bins the data. It must return an integer between 0 and `len(target_dist) - 1`.
            target_dist (List[float]): The target distribution of the resampled dataset.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the dataset is resampled.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def _data_only(x, data):
            return data
        dataset = self.dataset.rejection_resample(
            resampling_func, target_dist=target_dist).map(_data_only)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def combine(datasets: List[JIDENNDataset], weights: List[float]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Combines multiple datasets into one dataset. The samples are interleaved and the weights are used to sample from the datasets.

            datasets (List[JIDENNDataset]): List of datasets to combined. All `JIDENNDataset.dataset`s must be set and have the same `element_spec`.
            weights (List[float]): List of weights for each dataset. The weights are used to sample from the datasets.

            JIDENNDataset: Combined `JIDENNDataset` object.
        dataset =
            [dataset.dataset for dataset in datasets], weights=weights)
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(
            datasets[0].variables, datasets[0].target, datasets[0].weight)
        return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)

    def apply(self, func: Callable[[],]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Applies a function to the dataset.

            func (Callable[[],]): Function to apply to the dataset.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset modified by the function.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        dataset = func(self.dataset)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def create_train_input(self, func: Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Creates a training input from the dataset using the `func` function. The function must take a `ROOTVariables` object and return a `ROOTVariables` object.
        The output of the function is of the form Dict[str, tf.Tensor] or Tuple[Dict[str, tf.Tensor], Dict[str, tf.Tensor]] (optionally aslo tf.RaggedTensor).

            func (Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]): Function to apply to the data to create the training input.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object  with signature `((ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables), ...)` or `(ROOTVariables, ...)`.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        def input_wrapper(data, label, w=None):
            return func(data), label
        dataset =
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def to_pandas(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Converts the dataset to a pandas DataFrame. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
        The function uses `tensorflow_datasets.as_dataframe` to convert the dataset to a pandas DataFrame, so 
        the `tensorflow_datasets` package must be installed.

        Be careful that this function may take a **long time to run**, depending on the size of the dataset.
        Consider taking only a subset of the dataset before converting it to a pandas DataFrame.
        jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(...) 
        jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.apply(lambda dataset: dataset.take(1_000))
        df = jidenn_dataset.to_pandas()

        If the dataset contains nested tuples consider using `` 
        on the tuple columns of the convereted dataframe.

            variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to convert to a pandas DataFrame. If `None`, all variables are converted. Defaults to `None`.

            ImportError: If `tensorflow_datasets` is not installed.
            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            pd.DataFrame: The `` converted to a pandas `pd.DataFrame`.

            import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError(
                'Please install tensorflow_datasets to use this function. Use `pip install tensorflow_datasets`.')
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

        if isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
                if isinstance(data, tuple):
                    data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
                data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
                return data

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is not None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
                if isinstance(data, tuple):
                    data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
                data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
                return {k: data[k] for k in variables + ['label', 'weight']}

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is not None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data):
                return {k: data[k] for k in variables}

        elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is None:
            def tuple_to_dict(data):
                return data

            raise ValueError('The dataset must be a tuple or a dict.')

        dataset =
        df = tfds.as_dataframe(dataset)
        df = df.rename(lambda x: x.replace('/', '.'), axis='columns')
        return df

    def filter(self, filter: Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]) -> JIDENNDataset:
        """Filters the dataset using the `filter` function. 

            filter (Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]): Function to apply to the data.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

            JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset filtered.
        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        dataset = self.dataset.filter(filter)
        return self._set_dataset(dataset)

    def get_prepared_dataset(self,
                             batch_size: int,
                             assert_length: bool = False,
                             shuffle_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None,
                             take: Optional[int] = None,
                             map_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]]] = None) ->
        """Returns a prepared dataset for training. The dataset is prepared by stacking the arrays in the `ROOTVariables` in the dataset using `dict_to_stacked_array`.
        The dataset is also batched, shuffled, shortend (using `take`) and mapped using the `map_func` function. The function is applied before the input is stacked.

        **Train input must be created with `JIDENNDataset.create_train_input` before calling this method.**  

        The assertion allows displaying the estimated epoch time during training. The assertion is only performed if `take` is set.

            batch_size (int): Batch size of the dataset.
            assert_length (bool, optional): If `True`, the dataset is asserted to have the `take` length. It is only used if 'take' is set. Defaults to False.
            shuffle_buffer_size (int, optional): Size of the shuffle buffer. If `None`, the dataset is not shuffled. Defaults to None.
            take (int, optional): Number of elements to take from the dataset. If `None`, the dataset is not taken. Defaults to None.
            map_func (Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]], optional): Function to apply to the dataset. Defaults to None.

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

   The prepared dataset.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        if map_func is not None:
            dataset =
            dataset =
        dataset = dataset.shuffle(
            shuffle_buffer_size) if shuffle_buffer_size is not None else dataset
        if take is not None:
            dataset = dataset.take(take)
            dataset = dataset.apply(
                take)) if assert_length else dataset
        dataset = dataset.apply(
        # dataset = dataset.ragged_batch(batch_size)
        dataset = dataset.prefetch(
        return dataset

    def plot_data_distributions(self,
                                folder: str,
                                variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                                hue_variable: Optional[str] = None,
                                named_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None,
                                xlabel_mapper: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None:
        """Plots the data distributions of the dataset. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
        The function uses `jidenn.evaluation.plotter.plot_data_distributions` to plot the data distributions.

            folder (str): The path to the directory where the plots are saved.
            variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to plot. If `None`, all variables are plotted. Defaults to `None`.
            named_labels (Dict[int, str], optional): Dictionary mapping truth values to custom labels.
                If not provided, the truth values will be used as labels. 

            ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        if self.dataset is None:
            raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
        df = self.to_pandas(variables)
        plot_data_distributions(df, folder=folder, named_labels=named_labels,
                                xlabel_mapper=xlabel_mapper, hue_variable=hue_variable)

Class variables

var target : Optional[str]

The name of the target variable. None if no target variable is used.

var variables : Optional[List[str]]

The configuration dataclass of the variables to be used in the dataset. If None, the variables are set automatically during loading with JIDENNDataset.load().

var weight : Optional[str]

The name of the weight variable. None if no weight variable is used.

Static methods

def combine(datasets: List[JIDENNDataset], weights: List[float]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Combines multiple datasets into one dataset. The samples are interleaved and the weights are used to sample from the datasets.


datasets : List[JIDENNDataset]
List of datasets to combined. All JIDENNDataset.datasets must be set and have the same element_spec.
weights : List[float]
List of weights for each dataset. The weights are used to sample from the datasets.


Combined JIDENNDataset object.
Expand source code
def combine(datasets: List[JIDENNDataset], weights: List[float]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Combines multiple datasets into one dataset. The samples are interleaved and the weights are used to sample from the datasets.

        datasets (List[JIDENNDataset]): List of datasets to combined. All `JIDENNDataset.dataset`s must be set and have the same `element_spec`.
        weights (List[float]): List of weights for each dataset. The weights are used to sample from the datasets.

        JIDENNDataset: Combined `JIDENNDataset` object.
    dataset =
        [dataset.dataset for dataset in datasets], weights=weights)
    jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(
        datasets[0].variables, datasets[0].target, datasets[0].weight)
    return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)
def load(path: str, element_spec_path: Optional[str] = None) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the format. The assumed dataset elements are ROOTVariables dictionaries or a tuple of ROOTVariables, label and weight.


path : str
The path to the dataset directory.
element_spec_path : str, optional
The path to the element_spec file. Defaults to None. If None, the element_spec is loaded from the element_spec file inside the dataset directory.


If the element_spec is not a dictionary or a tuple whose first element is a dictionary.


The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and element_spec.
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def load(path: str, element_spec_path: Optional[str] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
    The assumed dataset elements are `ROOTVariables` dictionaries or a tuple of `ROOTVariables`, `label` and `weight`.

        path (str): The path to the dataset directory.
        element_spec_path (str, optional): The path to the `element_spec` file. Defaults to `None`. 
            If `None`, the `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.

        ValueError: If the `element_spec` is not a dictionary or a tuple whose first element is a dictionary.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

    if element_spec_path is None:
        element_spec_path = os.path.join(path, 'element_spec')
    with open(element_spec_path, 'rb') as f:
        element_spec = pickle.load(f)

    if isinstance(element_spec, dict):
        variables = list(element_spec.keys())

    elif isinstance(element_spec[0], dict):
        variables = list(element_spec[0].keys())

        raise ValueError('Element spec is not a dictionary.')

    return JIDENNDataset(variables=variables).load_dataset(path)

Instance variables

var dataset : Optional[]

The object or None if the dataset is not set yet.

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def dataset(self) -> Union[, None]:
    """The `` object or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
    return self._dataset
var element_spec : Optional[Dict[str, Union[tensorflow.python.framework.tensor_spec.TensorSpec, tensorflow.python.ops.ragged.ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec]]]

The element_spec of the dataset or None if the dataset is not set yet.

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def element_spec(self) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]], None]:
    """The `element_spec` of the dataset or `None` if the dataset is not set yet."""
    return self._element_spec


def apply(self, func: Callable[[],]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Applies a function to the dataset.


func : Callable[[],]
Function to apply to the dataset.


The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset modified by the function.
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def apply(self, func: Callable[[],]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Applies a function to the dataset.

        func (Callable[[],]): Function to apply to the dataset.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset modified by the function.

    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    dataset = func(self.dataset)
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def create_train_input(self, func: Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariablesROOTVariables]]]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Creates a training input from the dataset using the func function. The function must take a ROOTVariables object and return a ROOTVariables object. The output of the function is of the form Dict[str, tf.Tensor] or Tuple[Dict[str, tf.Tensor], Dict[str, tf.Tensor]] (optionally aslo tf.RaggedTensor).


func : Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]
Function to apply to the data to create the training input.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.


The JIDENNDataset object with signature ((ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables), …) or (ROOTVariables, …).
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def create_train_input(self, func: Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Creates a training input from the dataset using the `func` function. The function must take a `ROOTVariables` object and return a `ROOTVariables` object.
    The output of the function is of the form Dict[str, tf.Tensor] or Tuple[Dict[str, tf.Tensor], Dict[str, tf.Tensor]] (optionally aslo tf.RaggedTensor).

        func (Callable[[ROOTVariables], Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]]]): Function to apply to the data to create the training input.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object  with signature `((ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables), ...)` or `(ROOTVariables, ...)`.
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

    def input_wrapper(data, label, w=None):
        return func(data), label
    dataset =
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def create_variables(self, cut: Optional[Cut] = None, map_dataset: Optional[Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]] = None) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Creates a '' from selected variables and creates labels and weights. The variables are selected according to the variables loaded from config. the target and weight class variables are used to create labels and weights from the ROOTVariables.

Optionally, a Cut can be applied to the dataset. It is done before the variables are selected. The map_dataset function can be used to apply a function to the dataset before the variables are selected. It could be used to create new variables from the existing ones.


cut :, optional
The Cut object to be applied to the dataset. Defaults to None.
map_dataset : Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables], optional
The function to be applied to the dataset using Defaults to None.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.


The JIDENNDataset object with the signature of (ROOTVariables, label, weight).
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def create_variables(self, cut: Optional[Cut] = None, map_dataset: Optional[Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables]] = None) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Creates a '' from selected variables and creates labels and weights.
    The variables are selected according to the `variables` loaded from config.
    the `target` and `weight` class variables are used to create labels and weights from the `ROOTVariables`.

    Optionally, a `Cut` can be applied to the dataset. It is done **before** the variables are selected.
    The `map_dataset` function can be used to apply a function to the dataset before the variables are selected.
    It could be used to create new variables from the existing ones.

        cut (, optional): The `Cut` object to be applied to the dataset. Defaults to `None`. 
        map_dataset (Callable[[ROOTVariables], ROOTVariables], optional): The function to be applied to the dataset using ``. Defaults to `None`.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the signature of `(ROOTVariables, label, weight)`.
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    if map_dataset is not None:
        dataset =
        dataset = self.dataset

    dataset = dataset.filter(cut) if cut is not None else dataset
    dataset =
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def filter(self, filter: Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Filters the dataset using the filter function.


filter : Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]
Function to apply to the data.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.


The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset filtered.
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def filter(self, filter: Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Filters the dataset using the `filter` function. 

        filter (Callable[[ROOTVariables], bool]): Function to apply to the data.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset filtered.
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    dataset = self.dataset.filter(filter)
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def get_prepared_dataset(self, batch_size: int, assert_length: bool = False, shuffle_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, take: Optional[int] = None, map_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariablesROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariablesROOTVariables]], Any]]] = None) ‑>

Returns a prepared dataset for training. The dataset is prepared by stacking the arrays in the ROOTVariables in the dataset using dict_to_stacked_array(). The dataset is also batched, shuffled, shortend (using take) and mapped using the map_func function. The function is applied before the input is stacked.

Train input must be created with JIDENNDataset.create_train_input() before calling this method.

The assertion allows displaying the estimated epoch time during training. The assertion is only performed if take is set.


batch_size : int
Batch size of the dataset.
assert_length : bool, optional
If True, the dataset is asserted to have the take length. It is only used if 'take' is set. Defaults to False.
shuffle_buffer_size : int, optional
Size of the shuffle buffer. If None, the dataset is not shuffled. Defaults to None.
take : int, optional
Number of elements to take from the dataset. If None, the dataset is not taken. Defaults to None.
map_func : Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]], optional
Function to apply to the dataset. Defaults to None.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.

The prepared dataset.
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def get_prepared_dataset(self,
                         batch_size: int,
                         assert_length: bool = False,
                         shuffle_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None,
                         take: Optional[int] = None,
                         map_func: Optional[Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]]] = None) ->
    """Returns a prepared dataset for training. The dataset is prepared by stacking the arrays in the `ROOTVariables` in the dataset using `dict_to_stacked_array`.
    The dataset is also batched, shuffled, shortend (using `take`) and mapped using the `map_func` function. The function is applied before the input is stacked.

    **Train input must be created with `JIDENNDataset.create_train_input` before calling this method.**  

    The assertion allows displaying the estimated epoch time during training. The assertion is only performed if `take` is set.

        batch_size (int): Batch size of the dataset.
        assert_length (bool, optional): If `True`, the dataset is asserted to have the `take` length. It is only used if 'take' is set. Defaults to False.
        shuffle_buffer_size (int, optional): Size of the shuffle buffer. If `None`, the dataset is not shuffled. Defaults to None.
        take (int, optional): Number of elements to take from the dataset. If `None`, the dataset is not taken. Defaults to None.
        map_func (Callable[[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any], Tuple[Union[ROOTVariables, Tuple[ROOTVariables, ROOTVariables]], Any]], optional): Function to apply to the dataset. Defaults to None.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

    Returns: The prepared dataset.

    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    if map_func is not None:
        dataset =
        dataset =
    dataset = dataset.shuffle(
        shuffle_buffer_size) if shuffle_buffer_size is not None else dataset
    if take is not None:
        dataset = dataset.take(take)
        dataset = dataset.apply(
            take)) if assert_length else dataset
    dataset = dataset.apply(
    # dataset = dataset.ragged_batch(batch_size)
    dataset = dataset.prefetch(
    return dataset
def load_dataset(self, file: str) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the format. The element_spec is loaded from the element_spec file inside the dataset directory.
Alternatively, the element_spec can be loaded manually using the load_element_spec method.


file : str
The path to the dataset directory.


The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and element_spec.
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def load_dataset(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Loads a dataset from a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
    The `element_spec` is loaded from the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.    
    Alternatively, the `element_spec` can be loaded manually using the `load_element_spec` method.

        file (str): The path to the dataset directory.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with set dataset and `element_spec`.

    if self.element_spec is None:
        element_spec_file = os.path.join(file, 'element_spec')
        jidenn_dataset = self.load_element_spec(element_spec_file)
        jidenn_dataset = self
    dataset =
        file, compression='GZIP', element_spec=jidenn_dataset.element_spec)
    return jidenn_dataset._set_dataset(dataset)
def load_element_spec(self, file: str) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Loads the element_spec from a file. The element_spec is a pickled dictionary of tf.TensorSpec or tf.RaggedTensorSpec objects.


file : str
The path to the element_spec file.


The JIDENNDataset object with the element_spec set.
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def load_element_spec(self, file: str) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Loads the `element_spec` from a file. The `element_spec` is a pickled dictionary of `tf.TensorSpec` or `tf.RaggedTensorSpec` objects.

        file (str): The path to the `element_spec` file.
        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `element_spec` set.
    with open(file, 'rb') as f:
        element_spec = pickle.load(f)
    return self._set_element_spec(element_spec)
def plot_data_distributions(self, folder: str, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None, hue_variable: Optional[str] = None, named_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None, xlabel_mapper: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) ‑> None

Plots the data distributions of the dataset. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function. The function uses plot_data_distributions() to plot the data distributions.


folder : str
The path to the directory where the plots are saved.
variables : Optional[List[str]], optional
List of variables to plot. If None, all variables are plotted. Defaults to None.
named_labels : Dict[int, str], optional
Dictionary mapping truth values to custom labels. If not provided, the truth values will be used as labels.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.



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def plot_data_distributions(self,
                            folder: str,
                            variables: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                            hue_variable: Optional[str] = None,
                            named_labels: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None,
                            xlabel_mapper: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> None:
    """Plots the data distributions of the dataset. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
    The function uses `jidenn.evaluation.plotter.plot_data_distributions` to plot the data distributions.

        folder (str): The path to the directory where the plots are saved.
        variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to plot. If `None`, all variables are plotted. Defaults to `None`.
        named_labels (Dict[int, str], optional): Dictionary mapping truth values to custom labels.
            If not provided, the truth values will be used as labels. 

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    df = self.to_pandas(variables)
    plot_data_distributions(df, folder=folder, named_labels=named_labels,
                            xlabel_mapper=xlabel_mapper, hue_variable=hue_variable)
def remap_labels(self, label_mapping: Callable[[int], int]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Remaps the labels in the dataset using the label_mapping function. Should be used after the create_variables method.


label_mapping : Callable[[int], int]
The function that maps the labels.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.
If the target is not set.


The JIDENNDataset object where the label is remapped.
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def remap_labels(self, label_mapping: Callable[[int], int]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Remaps the labels in the dataset using the `label_mapping` function.
    Should be used after the `create_variables` method. 

        label_mapping (Callable[[int], int]): The function that maps the labels.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.
        ValueError: If the `target` is not set.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the `label` is remapped.
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')
    if is None:
        raise ValueError('Target not set yet.')

    if self.weight is not None:
        def remap_label(x, y, w):
            return x, label_mapping(y), w
        def remap_label(x, y):
            return x, label_mapping(y)

    dataset =
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def resample_dataset(self, resampling_func: Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int], target_dist: List[float])

Resamples the dataset using the resampling_func function. The function computes the bin index for each sample in the dataset. The dataset is then resampled to match the target_dist distribution. Be careful that this may slow down the training process, if the target distribution is very different from the original one as the dataset is resampled on the fly and is waiting for the appropriate sample to be drawn.


resampling_func : Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int]
Function that bins the data. It must return an integer between 0 and len(target_dist) - 1.
target_dist : List[float]
The target distribution of the resampled dataset.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.


The JIDENNDataset object where the dataset is resampled.
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def resample_dataset(self, resampling_func: Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int], target_dist: List[float]):
    """Resamples the dataset using the `resampling_func` function. The function computes the bin index for each sample in the dataset. 
    The dataset is then resampled to match the `target_dist` distribution. Be careful that this may **slow down the training process**,
    if the target distribution is very different from the original one as the dataset is resampled on the fly and is waiting 
    for the appropriate sample to be drawn.

        resampling_func (Callable[[ROOTVariables, Any], int]): Function that bins the data. It must return an integer between 0 and `len(target_dist) - 1`.
        target_dist (List[float]): The target distribution of the resampled dataset.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object where the dataset is resampled.
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

    def _data_only(x, data):
        return data
    dataset = self.dataset.rejection_resample(
        resampling_func, target_dist=target_dist).map(_data_only)
    return self._set_dataset(dataset)
def save_dataset(self, file: str, num_shards: Optional[int] = None) ‑> None

Saves the dataset to a file. The dataset is stored in the format. The element_spec is stored in the element_spec file inside the dataset directory. Tensorflow saves the element_spec.pb automatically, but manual save is required for further processing of the dataset. Ternsorflow file has the .pb extension.


file : str
The path to the dataset directory.
num_shards : int, optional
The number of shards to split the dataset into. Defaults to None. The sharding is done uniformly into num_shards files.


If the dataset is not loaded yet.



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def save_dataset(self, file: str, num_shards: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
    """Saves the dataset to a file. The dataset is stored in the `` format.
    The `element_spec` is stored in the `element_spec` file inside the dataset directory.
    Tensorflow saves the `element_spec.pb` automatically, but manual save is required 
    for further processing of the dataset.  Ternsorflow file has the `.pb` extension.

        file (str): The path to the dataset directory.
        num_shards (int, optional): The number of shards to split the dataset into. Defaults to `None`. The sharding is done uniformly into `num_shards` files.

        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.


    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

    def random_shards(_) -> tf.Tensor:
        return tf.random.uniform(shape=[], minval=0, maxval=num_shards, dtype=tf.int64), compression='GZIP',
                      shard_func=random_shards if num_shards is not None else None)
    with open(os.path.join(file, 'element_spec'), 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(self.dataset.element_spec, f)
def set_dataset(self, dataset:, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) ‑> JIDENNDataset

Sets the object and the element_spec of the dataset.


dataset :
The object consisting of ROOTVariables.
element_spec : Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]
The element_spec of the dataset.


The JIDENNDataset object with the dataset and element_spec set.
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def set_dataset(self, dataset:, element_spec: Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]) -> JIDENNDataset:
    """Sets the `` object and the `element_spec` of the dataset.

        dataset ( The `` object consisting of `ROOTVariables`.
        element_spec (Dict[str, Union[tf.TensorSpec, tf.RaggedTensorSpec]]): The `element_spec` of the dataset.

        JIDENNDataset: The JIDENNDataset object with the `dataset` and `element_spec` set.
    jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(variables=self.variables,
    jidenn_dataset._dataset = dataset
    jidenn_dataset._element_spec = element_spec
    return jidenn_dataset
def to_pandas(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Converts the dataset to a pandas DataFrame. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function. The function uses tensorflow_datasets.as_dataframe to convert the dataset to a pandas DataFrame, so the tensorflow_datasets package must be installed.

Be careful that this function may take a long time to run, depending on the size of the dataset. Consider taking only a subset of the dataset before converting it to a pandas DataFrame.

jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(...) 
jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.apply(lambda dataset: dataset.take(1_000))
df = jidenn_dataset.to_pandas()

If the dataset contains nested tuples consider using explode_nested_variables() on the tuple columns of the convereted dataframe.


variables : Optional[List[str]], optional
List of variables to convert to a pandas DataFrame. If None, all variables are converted. Defaults to None.


If tensorflow_datasets is not installed.
If the dataset is not loaded yet.


The converted to a pandas pd.DataFrame.
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def to_pandas(self, variables: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Converts the dataset to a pandas DataFrame. The dataset must be loaded before calling this function.
    The function uses `tensorflow_datasets.as_dataframe` to convert the dataset to a pandas DataFrame, so 
    the `tensorflow_datasets` package must be installed.

    Be careful that this function may take a **long time to run**, depending on the size of the dataset.
    Consider taking only a subset of the dataset before converting it to a pandas DataFrame.
    jidenn_dataset = JIDENNDataset(...) 
    jidenn_dataset = jidenn_dataset.apply(lambda dataset: dataset.take(1_000))
    df = jidenn_dataset.to_pandas()

    If the dataset contains nested tuples consider using `` 
    on the tuple columns of the convereted dataframe.

        variables (Optional[List[str]], optional): List of variables to convert to a pandas DataFrame. If `None`, all variables are converted. Defaults to `None`.

        ImportError: If `tensorflow_datasets` is not installed.
        ValueError: If the dataset is not loaded yet.

        pd.DataFrame: The `` converted to a pandas `pd.DataFrame`.

        import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            'Please install tensorflow_datasets to use this function. Use `pip install tensorflow_datasets`.')
    if self.dataset is None:
        raise ValueError('Dataset not loaded yet.')

    if isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is None:
        def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
            if isinstance(data, tuple):
                data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
            data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
            return data

    elif isinstance(self.element_spec, tuple) and variables is not None:
        def tuple_to_dict(data, label, weight=None):
            if isinstance(data, tuple):
                data = {**data[0], **data[1]}
            data = {**data, 'label': label, 'weight': weight}
            return {k: data[k] for k in variables + ['label', 'weight']}

    elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is not None:
        def tuple_to_dict(data):
            return {k: data[k] for k in variables}

    elif isinstance(self.element_spec, dict) and variables is None:
        def tuple_to_dict(data):
            return data

        raise ValueError('The dataset must be a tuple or a dict.')

    dataset =
    df = tfds.as_dataframe(dataset)
    df = df.rename(lambda x: x.replace('/', '.'), axis='columns')
    return df